TWELVE, checkup

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my pov: *when everything in the oneshot slowly starts coming together and falling into place perfectly*

*cue my evil laughter* "THIS IS MY PERFECT VICTORY! THAT'S RIGHT, I WIN-!"

"I'm so sorry, y/n!"

"It's- its alright Charlie, please stop apologizing already."

It was already the next morning, and the moment Charlie came into her room she was a sputtering and blushing mess.

"So, did- did you guys end up...?"

Realization was quick to dawn on y/n as she shook her head no, "wha- no! Jeez Charlie, he just gave me a kiss on the cheek."

"To me, it looked liked it was going to be on the lips-"

"Well, it was..," y/n said trailing off.

'If I stay, we will surely not be talking.'

She could feel her face heat up just by remembering his words. How he held her face, caressed her cheek. She shamefully imagined him pinning her down too. Oh how-

She shook her head as she pushed Charlie away, "I- I need to get ready for the day! I have my checkup with Dottore today and I would rather not be late. Because, well, I really want to get it over and done with so I don't have to stay in the same room with him for long periods of time."

Charlie huffed at the change in topic. She loved gossip. Especially when it was concerning Y/n and Pierro.

"Fine, fine. I know how the doctor makes you uncomfortable, so I'll leave you be for now, but you're definitely going to be giving me all the juicy details later~!"

Charlie giggled as she skipped out of the room to give y/n some privacy.

The shield, on the other hand, fell back into the comforts of her bed.

"Why me-?"

"Why you indeed."

She was quick to sit up in her bed. Her eyes immediately glued to the figure leaning against her doorframe.

"You're early, Dottore."

He grinned, "what can I say? These checkups are the only times I get to be so close with you."

He moved off the doorframe in one smooth motion as he walked over to her.

He settled beside her onto her bed, his hand reaching out to gently grab a piece of her hair. His hand twirling the piece between his fingers.

"So, Dottore," she managed to say as she tried to keep her voice steady, "what did you need to checkup on today?"

His grin turned a bit more sinister as he dropped the piece of her hair that he was playing with.

"About that, y/n-"

"Dottore. Get out."

The doctor sneered a little as he glanced over to Pierro.

"You know, you have a knack for barging in at the wrong moments."

"Only when it comes to you messing with what belongs to me."

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