Chapter 12 TJ finds out about her debut

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Chapter 12 TJ finds out about her debut

Tobin stood at the door, TJ hadn't had an anxiety attack in a while so Tobin and Chris knew this might be a bad one. Soon the room service arrived Tobin ate first and then fed Chris. Tobin then got TJ’s food and got a chair next to the bed, Chris sat up with TJ still against her chest. Tobin then fed TJ little bites of food, until TJ put her head into Chris's chest to say done. 

Tobin stopped feeding her and got their dessert to share between the three of them. TJ had little bites of their dessert. TJ then rested her head on Chris’s chest as she lowered them onto the bed. TJ held on to Chris not letting her go. Once Tobin had cleaned away Tobin then got in behind TJ. TJ turned around and held onto Tobin. Tobin whispered to Chris to call Kalien. Chris soon had Kailen on the phone and TJ saw Kailen and smiled before snuggling into Tobin while looking at Kailen. “Hey, baby you okay,” asked Kailen. TJ nodded they all hoped that she would be out of it soon. TJ smiled at Kalien they all knew she recoiled into herself. Soon the door knocked. Chris got up and opened the door to Jill and Alex. Chris then led them to the bedroom. 

Tobin smiled and TJ didn't acknowledge them at first until Jill started talking. Jill explained that if TJ were well enough tomorrow then she would start to give the Spanish a heart attack. 

Tobin and Chris nodded and they then turned to Jill and nodded they hoped she would be back to her normal self after a sleep. Chris nodded toward TJ. Tobin looked down and saw that TJ was asleep. 

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