Chapter 18 TJ calls Kailen

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Chapter 18 TJ calls Kailen 

TJ was then pushed into her Alex’s bedroom by her mama. Chris then handed TJ over to Alex in her wheelchair. Chris and Tobin went to there rooms and got ready and put their stuff away. Alex then wheeled TJ into the bedroom. “Would you like any help?” asked Alex “yes please could you just hand me my clothes and phone and then I will be okay” responded TJ.  

Alex gave TJ her clothes and phone, Alex then got into the bathroom. TJ got into a tshirt and joggers. TJ then got into bed and sat against the headboard and facetimed Kailen. 

After one ring Kailen answered the phone she was shocked at the injury it went from the middle of the top of her head to just after her hairline. Kailen played with Canada and they won against Sweden. Kailen then watched TJ’s game. Kailen and TJ talked until Alex came out of the bathroom. Kailen felt better for seeing her girlfriend and knowing shes okay. Once Alex came out of the bathroom the door knocked. Alex went and answered the door. 

It was Tobin and Chris, they were shocked that TJ had managed to get herself undressed and dressed again. TJ smiled ast her moms and Alex. It was soon time for them to go down for dinner, TJ got herself into the wheelchair, TJ started to push herself but Tobin took over and pushed her. They was soon in the elevator going down to the dinning room. It was a three course meal, TJ had a tomato soup for Starter, pulled chicken with creamy potatoes, for dessert TJ had melt in the middle chocolate pudding with ice cream. TJ enjoyed her dinner. 

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