Chapter 23 TJ's Package

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Chapter 23 TJ’s Package

TJ opened the package with all eyes on her. TJ smiled when she saw what was in the package. TJ read the card and then passed to her mom. The gift was from the Candian squad they most of seen the injury. 

The package was luxury chocolate, a france stuffed teddie and a photo of there first game. TJ smiled at all the items she got her phone out and went to the canadian chat and said thank you. 

Once everyone settled down, they started the game again. Before anyone knew it, Ash was kicking them out to go to bed it was nearly curfew. Ash didnt kick out Alex, Ali, Tobin and Chris.

There was a knock at the door. Ash opened the door and came back with a package and handed it to TJ. TJ turned to her moms and who she considered her friends. “After the final I have cleared it with Jill to take Kailen out the night after and spend the night with her and while i do that you are doing media duties and stuff. When at that meal I am proposing to her and then spending the night at a separate hotel to you lot and the canadian lot.” TJ explained her moms looked happy that

 “Can we see the ring?” asked Tobin. TJ opened the ring and they were shocked at the ring. “ I used some of the inheritance that my bio family gave me” explained TJ. TJ had a 5 million inheritance and she used it wisely to set her up for the future. 

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