Chapter 25 TJ Helmet

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Chapter 25 TJ Helmet

Once they all finished training, TJ meet back up with Tobin and Chris. Tobin pulled TJ into a hug. “Hey, how did your training go” asked Tobin “good Dawn is impressed with how much I can do but I will need to wear a helmet for the game against Canada” explained TJ. 

Tobin and Chris nodded their head and smiled glad she was going to be protected from head injuries for the foreseeable future. TJ walked with Tobin and Chris back to the hotel. Once they were all back at the hotel they were all escorted into the meeting room and told what their days will be like for the next 3 days. 

After the meeting, Dawn and Jill held TJ back to get her fitted for a helmet. TJ was glad she would be protected she knew how hard Canadians are especially because she trained with them for the last 2 years after being with Kailen for 4 years. 

TJ was ready for the challenge. TJ sat in the chair while they fitted the helmet to her head, TJ was glad to have protection. 

Once it was finished TJ went to her room where Tobin, Chris, Ali, Alex, and Ash were waiting for her. TJ showed her moms the helmet they were happy that their daughter would be protected from another serious head injury. 

Once TJ got into their room and went to the bathroom for a shower and got changed into joggers and a t-shirt. Once TJ emerged from the bathroom, TJ went to the living area. TJ was pulled onto her mom's lap. 

Before they knew it was time for dinner. TJ walked behind the rest of them. Alex walked beside TJ down to the restaurant. TJ chose to have three courses Tomato soup, Hunters Chicken, and Chocolate fudge cake.

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