Chapter 16 TJ injury

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Chapter 16 TJ injury

TJ was unconscious for a long time the medic was worried about her they hurriedly into the medic center. While they were trying to get her on the stretcher TJ started to have a seizure. 

TJ was let to get out of her system they covered her around with towels so no one in the crowd could see. They subbed Tobin, Chris, and TJ out, Jill knew that Tobin and Chris would want to be with their daughter. 

Tobin and Chris watched helplessly as TJ seized. Tobin and Chris looked at Jill and did the change symbol, soon TJ stopped fitting but she was then put on the stretcher and carried to the medic room. 

Tobin and Chris smiled slightly when they heard the applause. Tobin, Chris, and TJ were taken off and Coffey, Sullivan, and Pugh went on. Tobin and Chris hurried after TJ. 

Soon the ref blew the whistle for full-time. The match ball was given to Jill to give to TJ as she didn't come back out. The team was surprised to see TJ sitting in the changing room in a wheelchair while her mom was sitting behind her, Jill went to her first and gave her a match ball “you played really well I’m sorry you got hurt we will rest you for the next couple of match and if you don't want to play again just let me know. Now what is the damage” asked Jill. “TJ has had 20 stitches to the head and she is tired after the seizure she will have a killer headache in the morning. She only had 20 stitches due to the seizure opening the wound more” explained Tobin.

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