Chapter 22 Team finds out about TJ's girlfriend

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Chapter 22 Team finds out about TJ’s girlfriend 

TJ’s phone rang and she smiled as she answered it and listened to Kailen day while watching her teammates. TJ loved Kailen and couldnt wait to see her again. Kailen and TJ planned to meet up before the final.  They were meeting up on the 4th July in a week. TJ couldn wait to kiss her again. 

Once TJ and Kailen finished their call, TJ looked up and saw everyone looking at her. TJ looked confused. “Who’s the girl” asked Alex, “my girlfriend Kailen” replied TJ “hang on I have heard that name before” stated Ali. 

“Yeah you would have if you played Canada” explained TJ, everyone looked confused “she is Kailen Sherdian the Canadian goalkeeper” explained TJ. Everyone looked shocked. “Do you love her” asked Ash “yes” said TJ. Everyone nodded and then they continued there truth or dare. TJ could only do truths because her moms wouldnt let her do dares. 

TJ and the team had a laugh, TJ was happy that no one was angry that she was with a Canadian. TJ sat imbetween Tobin and Christen and she was happy and didnt think she could get any happier. TJ had ordered an engagement ring for Kailen. 

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door Ali got up and answered the door and saw a delivery man standing there. 

“Hi can we help you” asked Ali “yes im looking for TJ Heath-press, I have a package for her” he replied. TJ stood up with the help of her moms. Ash supported her and she made her way to Ali. 

TJ looked confused she wasnt due anything until later “I’m TJ heath-press” TJ told him. TJ was given a clipboard and then she signed it and was given a package. TJ went and sat back down.

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