Chapter 13 Dinner Fun

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Chapter 13 Dinner Fun

TJ stayed on Tobin’s chest, and TJ stayed asleep for 4 hours. When TJ was awake she looked around her and saw that she was between Tobin and Chris, it then all came back to TJ and what happened. TJ then realized she had an anxiety and PTSD attack. 

TJ can remember coming to the room and eating but then nothing that must have been when her body shut down completely. TJ was still tired she knew that these attacks took a lot out of her. TJ hated the attacks but knew it was a part of her, TJ wished that she could do something to take them away unfortunately there is no way that she can get rid of them. TJ was always tired after an attack but she knew it would go away soon.

TJ layed between Tobin and Christen until Tobin and Christen woke up they looked down and smiled when they saw TJ smiling back. They were both happy that there was evidence of anxiety and PTSD attacks. Tobin and Chris were grateful she wasn't more seriously affected by the attacks so was Kailen.  

Once Tobin and Chris got their bearings they all got up and into clean clothes and got dressed. TJ then waited for Tobin and Chris to be ready they then led TJ to the dining hall as it was time for dinner. Everyone was happy to see TJ, Tobin, and Chris as they weren't in training. Jill came up to TJ and said they would talk after training TJ nodded. 

For dinner, TJ had Potato and Leek Soup, BBQ Chicken, Chips, and Vegetables then for dessert Melt in the middle Chocolate pudding. TJ finished all this. Tobin and Chris were happy that TJ had her appetite back. 

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