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Ka'marius POV (Written and uploaded November 6th 2022)

Everyday I look at the city... And while I can't see everyone since we are far in the mountains and we are above entire cities and forest for miles, I know I am looking at miserable and suffering people... Dying people... Overworked people... A miasma of darkness and despair that makes me cry and I can't help but wonder why.

Why are we suffering?

The people of the Imperium who aren't as fortunate suffering... The emperor always has a plan, he will do something and the people may be happy and comfortable, free to pursue what they want... Maybe.

Ka'marius:What is wrong with this universe?

I have not seen people die but I have seen sisters return back with sorrow on their faces and they need not saying anything as I already know what has happened.

Everyday people are dying so many star systems away and I feel so powerless not being able to do anything about it and I have to leave it in the hands of... Nobles, politicians and sometimes I doubt if the imperial cult and church cares.

Ka'marius:Help us Emperor... Do something soon or else it will all come crashing down and humanity itself will be doomed.

I pray before standing up and coming out of my room to hear some... Loud talking of some sort.

I follow the voices until I eventually come to the briefing hall where I see the entire company of 200 gathered and I see a holographic map of a star system.

Ishella:The orks number in hundreds of thousands... I knew being a sister would never be easy, but I never expected to be deployed this soon!

Aratea:We are supposed to be prepared to fight for the emperor at any given moment and we have all known this since the academy.

Silvaria:Agreed and there in the next 4 weeks or so we will be departing with the 121st and the 834th guard units.

I enter and while I get some looks no one really pays any mind to me while I just stand in the back of the room but I meet eyes with the canoness and she says nothing and sighs.

Silvaria:Moving onto-



Ka'marius:A-Ah yes ma'am?

Assyra:Get what you need, you will be going to recruitment stations.

Wait what does she...

She walks up to me and hands me a paper and when I look down at it... Wait... What?

"By orders of the emperor sector 24 is undergoing special orders that will serve the imperium of man well, guardians or parents of the named draftee, you are ordered to report you're son to the nearest recruitment office as between ages 14 to 18 will take up arms to serve our glorious emperor and Imperium, may the emperor watchover the Imperium and you carry out his will"

Wait... What... What...

Ka'marius:What is this...

Assyra:As it says, you will be going to the recruitment office to undergo training to serve the empire in it's time of need.

Ka'marius:W-Wait I don't understand-

Julane:You will be conscripted into the whiteshields.

Ka'marius:W-Wait what position, and for how long?

Julane:For however long the Imperium requires your service...

Ka'marius:I don't want to serve the imperium or the emperor!

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