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Ka'marius POV (Sorry for the shorter chapter but I hope you enjoy it, the shorter chapter was more of because I felt like it was better storywise and a longer one would feel stale and bland.)

I'm sweating...I'm tired and it feels like my arms will give out any moment.

After that...After that "Session" I was sent here, I can only describe it as a factory where other humans...N, not even just humans but other races as well and even huge green men, "orks" are their name...Those are what the Imperium has been fighting for the past thousand years?

In this factory I see weapons being built but one...There is a large machine, It looks like a tower and while I only passed by it I saw...Dead bodies below it, dead bodies of humans and eldar laying on the ground a-and...

The image appears in my mind but I cover my mouth and steady my breathing to avoid vomiting from the image alone. 

 I look up and continue walking, my arm is already broken...Or at least something is broken in my arm near my elbow because I've been here for 3 hours...I can't take this anymore...But I can't cry  want to...But I can't.

They laugh when I cry and I hate it...I hate it so much.

I will leave... I will leave this place.

I'm sorry Anandriel but I will have to teach myself and I can't suffer through this...When we have the other Eldar and humans freed we will be able to fight and leave this place.

All of a sudden I am forced forward and I fall onto the ground, steel I was carrying falls down and just barely I manage to move my arm to not get it grinded off by gears...Someone shoved me  damn it!

I reach to pick it back up but a before I can reach my right arm is forced to the ground along with my entire body, when I look up...I see one of the oversees just staring down at me, a gaze that makes me freeze up but I look away to avoid it.

Damn it...Damn it!

Force goes down on my head and while I can't see I know his foot is on my head with a woman's foot being on my arm and more force being pushed onto it but I bite my lip and try to not yell at all.

Kamarius:Get...Off me.

I say that in their tongue and they laugh and laugh but I don't know why...It's pissing me off.

Kamarius:GET OFF!

When I raise my voice I feel sharp pain in my head and I raise up...The last thing I see the reclining foot of the woman staring at me and I manage to use my left elbow to stop from falling back fully, it hurts and even almost give out but I manage to stay firm.

Before I can fully recover the man's foot is on my chest and being pushed back to...Shit!

T-The gears, if I give out now then my hand or even my head could go into the gears.

C-Come on come on!

W-What do I do?!

Ka'marius:Damn it!

I try to contain my pain from my left arm being forced to it's limit  but I can't help but let out a few muffled screams while biting my lip. as hard as I can to the point where I can even  feel blood dripping from my lip.


I just barely manage to slip to the right avoid being crushed but almost instantly a hand wraps around my neck and when I regain focus, looking at me with that damn wretched face is a grey skinned demon...I can't even consider these "people" proper beings at all...Why...Why do they do this?

C-Come on I have to loosen his grip somehow or else I will pass out!

D-Damn it he is way too strong a-and I can't...I can't...I-I...U-Ugh!

He drops me and I inhale, shaking and I try to swallow the spit that's built up in my mouth, but the soreness and the dryness from not eating has gotten to me and I can't even swallow it without pain...Even talking feels hard for me now.

He grabs my arm and starts to drag me along with him by my neck nd the woman just laughing while grabbing my left arm tightly...just laughing...laughing...laughing...Stop it, stop laughing at me!

Please stop laughing at me damn it!


Ka'marius:G-Get u-ugh!

My body slams against the door to force it open, my head bangs against the door to the point where ringing...Ringing fills my head and I feel even a bit of blood...I...W-What the hell.

I don't...I don't feel so good.

W-Where is everyone?

Mei-...Meija, Mehmed and everyone...He-AHHHHHHHH!

The feeling of fatigue I have wears off almost instantly, to turn into dizziness and pain, pain in my hands, aching, agonizing in almost every way of pain.

I just barely manage to gather to strength to lift my head and c-come on...I just have to...I have-

The pain flares up before I can finish my thoughts and when I look over fully I see hooks in my hand and I can hear the laughing again, the laughing echoing in this damp and hollow room and bring pain to me every second.

I yell and I yell but eventually it feels  futile to do even that...Their muffled, hideous laughs directed at me is something that would make anyone go insane...But not me...I'm fine.

Fine fine, I'm just fine.

Why are my ears ringing...Does that even matter anymore?

This life is so miserable...Please, mother and father help me!

Why...Why did mother and father abandon me?

Why is this reality so cruel and sow misfortune upon those who don't deserve it.

Do I deserve it?

Is that why I'm in this situation?

Do I deserve such punishment?

B-But why do I deserve the punishment?

Why can't I remember?

Why...Why why why why why why why why why why why why...

Ka'marius:Please...Stop it.

Slaver:We will...Just keep on begging and soon it will end, this is your fault as if you had obeyed this would not have happened.

M-My fault?

Beg...I have to beg to end this insufferable pain.

Stop it...Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it...Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop it Stop it stop stop it stop it stop...Please leave me alone!


Fui ut Vixi...Inutilius.

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