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Meija POV

Namu Amida Buddha...Namu Amida Buddha.

This is hurting my hands... But I have to get this over with quickly.

"Sister, these are my earnings for now unfortunately they dwocked our pay...The bastards docked our pay after we lost men on that hell of an operations...May command and the Emperor himself go to the Naraka for this war, this galaxy and this Imperium itself, elder brother is just as cold as ever but I trust that our younger brothers care well for you...They mark us dead as soon as we board these ships, show's how much value they hold to us."

They'll all pay...If no gods can deliver justice then I will make their lives more painful than Naraka ever could as I swear on my own blood until they are dead...Until they are all dead I will not die myself.

"I knew little men here and yet...Many of them were good, had families but they are gone now and their families will likely die from poverty or struggle for the scraps they can...Over the last 2 months I've fought against Orks, Drukhari and species whose existence I was not even aware of...So many have died to where sometimes I myself forget I'm alive and everyone just feels like an army of the walking dead, struggling for what little life they have...Father died protecting us from the council's lapdogs."

I still remember it like it was yesterday, Father was smiling one second and the next...He was with his left arm missing telling me to run and I did just that.

We ran and ran until we reached our clan's home..

Meija:Father and everyone...Your sacrifices will not be in vein as your deaths have pushed me forward and helped me realize my purpose.

"Sister, your medication should last you another year and while our brothers and sister look after you I still cannot help but worry for you however I've trained years for this and I won't back out now...We all have trained for years and generations for this, it's what we were meant for and so...The Togo Keikaku shall proceed and it will happen, so for now please do not worry for me and tell Mother that I love her and to avoid drinking herself into a stupor...She seems to listen to you the most but also make sure she does not overtrain and exert herself too much.

After that I seal the letter, the letter being written in a language only my family can understand to avoid watchful Imperial spies.

Mara:My lady, are you done?

Meija:Yes, are you sure you can get this home?


Meija:Hm...Do not call me "my lady" you know my name.

Mara:Well yes Lady Shirayuki.

Meija:I mean...Nevermind, just leave and avoid watchful eyes.

Mara smirks at me and simply bows, she knows what she does but acts as if she does not.

Mehmed:Hey, it's time for lunch are you coming?

I should train more, but I suppose eating would do me good as I've not done so in awhile...I blame "him" for that.

Unfortunate...How unfortunate.

I follow Mehmed before we get to the dining hall where there are many new faces, many new faces that replaced the old faces but that is something I should be used to by now.

Tianus:Shit...This food taste like shit

Lusio:You realized this now?

Tianus:Didn't much pay attention to it until now...We fucking risk our lives every damn day being on this floating hell coffin and we have to come back to this shit!

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