The great escape.

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Ka'marius POV (Dialogue near the end is a bit iffy, but a bit late to rewrite it)

Come on we have to leave this hell-hole...I just have to find them right-SHIT!

Just barely manage to avoid catching the eyes of guards, moving swiftly against the wall and waiting for them to move...They leave and many more run past to where I can only assume is where the main fire is concentrated and ...Wait...The cells are open and that means others who are here and loose and putting that together.

Ka'marius:...DAMN IT!

I start to run forward through the halls, going to the trouble of running, even though it feels like I'm about to collapse any moment now and the only thing keeping me on my feet is my desire to want to leave this place and that desire...That will alone makes all the pain in my body irrelevant right now because staying here and seeing people die would be more pain than anyone could ever deliver to me.


I run forward but I almost instantly freeze up and see the doors are closed...Damn it...DAMN IT!

Come on think...Think damn it!

I look around and try to calm myself but I can just do what I did back there and overload it...The fire and malfunction has not spread over to this area completely yet and I have to change that and...

Before I can finish my thoughts I look over and see guards, when they spot me and prepare the fire an explosion rings out through the halls, the sound vibrating off the steel makes me almost collapse myself but when I look up I see their bodies...Scorched and burned.

Their either out cold or dead, but now's not the time to find out.

I run over to their bodies and kneel down, searching them before I find something similar to a key but foreign in it's design, this should work.

After sighing in relief I grab the key and run to the cell door, using the key and waiting in antcipation before it opens...When it does open I look in relief, a heavy sigh is let out of me and I almost collapse...I want to cry but it's not the time for that.

Erios:How...Why are you-

Ka'marius:L-Look now is not the time but we have to leave while they are distracted.

Vons:How are you here, your hands-

Ka'marius:I...I found a chance and I went for it, please just come on there is no time for questions or idle conversation right now!

Anandriel looks surprised, for the first time I've seen her.

Many of them are still stunned and confused at what's going on but Vons stands up.


Eveyone, or at least majority of the humans snap out of it and stand up with Anandriel trying to rally the Eldar and Tau

Once everyone gets their minds together we get up and head out the cell, me and Vons get the rifles of foreign design from the dead guards, or at least I try to but it feels like I can't lift a thing at all.

Erios:I'll take it...I know how these work and I have more experience than any of you but before we move on.

He takes the rifle and aims it at Anandriel but before I can do anything he fires...And the shot hits what is around her neck.

She collapses to the ground heavy breathing slightly before opening her eyes.

Ka'marius:A-Are you alright?

Anandriel:Yes I'm fine, it's just...It all came back to me a bit too rapidly but I'll be fine.

She breathes and stand up before manifesting a flame in her hand like it's nothing and nodding her head.

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