Task force 155

130 4 8

Meija POV (So this chapter will introduce quite a few people and I will make a bio for them sooner or later so it's not too complex, now why can't I do one now? First it would take up a lot of space and I still have to think about what direction I wanna take these characters I write in.)

Lusio:So...What do you think our new friends will be like?

Mehmed:You are too friendly to outsiders, watch yourself or else that could be taken advantage of.

Lusio:R-Right I am sorry.

We continue on until we ourselves are at private training area, there is a question on everyone's mind but no one is speaking it and that question is to Markus and his own past with Sassan. I'll admit I am curious but it is not our concern unless it directly interferes with the Mission.

Once we get there we see the Major and a few others and she gestures our hand to the other dozens of men and at least 7 women, though there may be more considering how many are here.

Julia:This is your new unit, Designated as 155 and I ask that you refer to your unit as simply 8796 on paper and to those who don't have the authority or rank to know of 155.

Lusio:Permission to speak ma'am.

Julia:You may.

Lusio:Why those numbers specifically? 

Julia:I suppose nitpicking however...I suppose I simply saw those numbers in a dream and I presume the emperor gave me the vision, command has given me complete autonomy over you. I get the first word and the last and if anyone 

Strange...Why does it feel familiar?

Julia:Many of you have backgrounds that differ from others however many of you have one thing in common, and that is that you've made a name for yourself as we have those from sisters of battle...To even failed Marines and prisoners who escaped deathrow.

She walks around with a smirk on her face before stopping to look back at us.

Julia:You are all valued and so you will all undergo training to increase cooperation and coordination, many of you come from other organizations that serve the Imperium and Her Emperor...This Trial will be a simple one.

She smirks slightly and already is see the faces of some of the others sigh and get droopy and tired instantly.

Julia:A trial by fire, it happens that we have been ordered to execute exterminatus.



Julia:Here you will encounter our enemies, heretics and traitors of the emperor that worship other gods, those they call simply "Chaos".

Lusio:What are their gods?

Julia:That is none of your concern...What is your concern is that there is a virus bomb that was supposed to be detonated, however it was sent down but instead it ended up creating a crater and the timed detonation did not go off.

Meija:You want us to go in and re-activate the time sequence and leave.

Julia:You catch on fast...

It's a mission...It's another mission.

Meija:It will be done Major, but how will we evac?

Julia:A pilot will be assigned to get you down into orbit and then get you out before it spreads, you'll have about 14 minutes to escape if I am estimating it correctly, this mission is one that may take you from a few hours to a week, either way you're expected to coordinate and cooperate so for the next week you'll all be preparing for the mission together...You are not required to speak or even see eachother however cooperation is a must.

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