Unfortunate encounter

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Ka'marius POV (This chapter was not that long but rather a short chapter that will lead up into the next)

My back hurts right now and it feels like I slept on bricks...But it is stone so that is even worse.

Ka'marius:Fires burn on average for 4 hours...I had flammable wood... it was damp and wet so it wasn't great but numbers made up for that so... Shit...

Shit shit...I slept too long and it is maybe day out by now!

I grab my equipment and I start to put it on, the roughness of my equipment pushing against my groin...U-Ugh it doesn't help at all since I burned my underwear.

I start going through the cave and continue the same path with cracks in the stone having me see some sort of daylight and if I had to guess it is about morning by now...Can I even return to my unit?

Those men I killed were in my unit...They were close so the grenade blast had to kill them...M-Maybe they died so there were no witnesses.

My flak armor... It has shrapnel in it.

Ka'marius:If I was that close and almost killed if it wasn't for my armor and helmet...

Then they had to be killed..,I didn't want to kill them at all but I didn't have a choice... I-It was me and the civilians or...Or it was them.

Ka'marius:I am sorry...I am so sorry but it had to be done.

Why do I feel guilt?

I shouldn't feel guilt b-becauee I had no choice...It was me or them and I had no choice I...I did the right thing.

Ka'marius:M-Move forward... I-I have to move forward!

Alright... I am so close.

I continue running through the caves and I see more and more light...Come on, almost there almost there almost...I...

Mask...Those... Pale skin...that armor... No.


I yell out and I try to cover my mouth but it's too late and they look at me and without thinking...I run.

I turn tail and I start running and that is all I can think about because...U-UGHHH!

M-My body doesn't feel like it's mind and the pain...I-It is unbearable and burning.

Ka'marius:Stop it...STOP IT DAMN IT!

B-Breathe, just breathe and you will be fine...I will be fine...U-UGH!

It hurts... it burns and my skin...It feels like I am being stabbed thousands of times on my back with hot knives!

Ka'marius: Keep going!

My body isn't listening to me but...

I turn over and when I look up, walking to me I see the same people...What did they do to me?

Ka'marius:S-Stop, get away from me!

My gun!

I reach over to my side and I try my best to control my body and get control of my own shaking...T-They are getting closer!

Just fire...Now!

The shot has to be perfect, it has to be fast or else I...I... AAHHHHHH!

My head swings to the left and I feel the burning and rippling...A whip.

My hand, m-my hand has a whip around it.

I did not even see how fast it moved, it was almost instant and if they catch me they... they...M-Move!

Ka'marius:Someone, help me please!

Please please please hear me someone!


I am going to die I am going to die.

I-It feels like everything is flashing before me...M-Mama P-Papa.

I can't die, not yet...Please I don't want to die yet!

I turn around and look at them...Their mask are off and I see a smile?

They are j-just smiling...I-I can't do anything and I can't run, my body won't allow me to run no matter how much I try to move... Run!

C-Come on you can do this!

Come on come on come on...YES!

I am standing up...B-But it hurts even more to move and I don't see them...But I know that they are following me and I am so scared...Please, any god...Even an emperor help me plea-

A blast wave forces me down as dirt and bark from trees go everywhere from a explosion and all over my body I feel heat and shattered rocks hit me.

My body...It's fragile and can't sustain anything anymore.

When I look back they are laughing and smiling...T-They are enjoying this...I can't do anything else.

It's over, I can't fight anymore and it hurts...Make it go away please!

Ka'marius:D-Don't kill me... don't kill me I can't die here... Not now... Please.

I close my eyes and I lay my face into the dirt and every minute, every second feels like my body is being torn apart slowly.

They are insane...They are insane.

Help me, help me please!

Everytime...Everytime I think-U-Ugh!

I can't move...I can't move anymore.

It's meaningless to continue anymore, my body won't move and it hurts, I hate crying b-but I can't help it because my body is screaming and I can't do anything about it... I yell and yell but no one hears me and they laugh... they laugh at me.

Ka'marius:I don't want to live right now... end it... I surrender!

I yell at them that I surrender and I even yell it in their tongue but...It doesn't matter.

I can't die I can't die I...I don't want to die.

That woman in the middle seems... Important, she looks different from the rest of them and while they all look different when they see her... They stop whipping me with their strange weapons.

A hand touches my chin and when i open my eyes I see her in front of me but my vision, my vision is blurred from that grenade and I can't see much and my ears... Are they bleeding?

???:You're screams are so delightful Mon-Keigh.

Her eyes are... I... I don't feel good.

Ka'marius:P-Please don't kill me.

That smile, from that smile it makes me more scared and paralyzed than I already am...I don't want to die please.

???:I won't...

She comes close and I see deeper into her eyes and I feel her breath against my right ear.

???:You will soon wish for it... They all do.

W-What does she mean by that?

When I look up I see a black mass above me before everything fades to black.

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