chapter 29

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I arrive at the hospital i already have stitches in my head and a bandage around it,i didnt even feel anything because i was in shock nit badly though I followed Annies bed through the hallways and waiting room until it was wheeled through a door and i was pushed back.
"sir i know your worried about her but the best thing you can do now is rest and let us work on her we will let you in as soon as possible but for now you should rest tell the receptionist that Dr corrigan let you have room 13 it's right beside the room she'll be in" He explains i look into his eyes and when I'm convinced hell keep to his word i sigh and walk back to reception i get the elevator up to room 13 and lie on the bed with the door open so I can hear when shes brought into her room i lay for about three hours going over everything and coming to the conclusion this was probably her dad i finally hear a bed being wheeled in next door i jump up and run in and then I freeze she looks awful her perfect face is bruised and has deep cuts her arm is bandaged and in a sling that reaches just past her fingers which are also bandaged her leg is elevated and bruised too with a thick cast around it she has a bloody bandage around her head and stitches on her lip and cheek, she's still sleeping, with an oxygen mask over her face and a machine pumping something into her bloodstream i slowly walk over and try to ignore the slow beeping of her heart on the monitor and lift her hand i gently squeeze it careful not to touch the I.V line in her wrist covering her scars.
"ans please wake up soon i need you" I whisper stroking her cheek she doesn't react.
"please get better i love you so much"
"I let you down i said I'd protect you im so sorry this is all my fault" I bow my head and stroke my thumb over her hand i hear the door open and turn to see a doctor he smiles sympatheticly at me and sits on the seat on the other side of her bed.
"your jude right?" he asks he is tall and thin he's quite young about twenty three he has black hair gelled back and huge brown eyes he smiles warmly at me, I don't trust myself to talk so I just nod.
"half the staffs looking for you to tell you she's here" he says laughing slightly attempting to cheer me up.
"how is she?" I barely whisper scared of the answer, he clears his throat and sits up straight before speaking again.
"she's currently on life and she has a few major injuries and other minor ones, she has quite a large concussion and was bleeding slightly in her brain but we managed to stop that she has four broken ribs, broke her leg in six places, dislocated and broke her elbow and broke her Fingers she also needed a few stitches, if she wakes up she will make a full recovery with a few scars but if she doesn't wake up within three days... She won't ever" he says staring into my eye i swallow a lump in my throat and look back to her my heart starts racing and my head starts spinning my mouth goes dry and my vision blurry i realise tears are rolling down my cheeks fast but i dont care what he thinks about me who wouldn't cry if they knew the love of their life could die because you couldn't protect them from their own father? Her dad, Paul, have they caught him yet? Does he know what he's done? Would he be happy? Did he want her to die?
"jude, would you like to step outside for a few moments maybe get some water and clear your head?"
"can you leave us alone for a while?" I say my voice shaking.
"ofcourse take as long as you need if anything happens call for a nurse or press that button and if you need anything just let one of the staff members know ok?"
"yeah" he gets up and is about to walk out the door.
"wait, do you know what happened to her dad?" he gives me a puzzled Look.
"was there someone else in the accident?" my blood starts boiling as i stand up from the chair.
"it wasnt an accident this was her dad that did it!"
"are you sure, the police are out here if you'd like to talk to them i can send them in" He offers.
"ok I'll be right back"
"thank you"
"it's no problem" he dissappears and i walk back to Annie she looks so scared even in her sleep i take her hand and kiss her knuckles whispering i love you over and over until the police come in.
"do you have information about this incident?" the fat one asks the other older one just stands behind him with his notepad ready.
"yes, I know who did it"
"ok, do you have a name?" he asks sitting down facing me from the other side of the bed.
"Paul... Erm i dont know the last name, it's her dad that did it"
"how do you know on the cctv the people were wearing masks, how can you be sure?"
"because him and her mum, who has already gotten time, have been threatening us for weeks and he trashed our apartment and hurt her"
"she's been hurt before?"
"yes but not this bad he punched her a few times"
"when was this"
"erm... Two night ago i think maybe three, listen i have letters to prove they've been threatening us and our neighbours heard them come in, its probably on the cctv of our apartment shes from ireland but she moved here to get away from them but they followed her just to hurt her again she tried to kill herself when she lived with them!" I shout.
"calm down we will look into this and if she wakes up we will ask her about it when shes ready"
"when she wakes up" I say staring at her face in the dim room as they leave they say bye but i ignore them she will wake up she has to and then well get them both well get away and she'll be hapy i can make her happy when she wakes up everything will be better i know it will.

"jude, come on man wake up" I hear conor saying as he shakes my shoulder i open my eyes and look around observing the plain beige walls and blue wooden door with a window at the side then a table in the corner filled with empty syringes and stuff i suddenly remember where I am and why.
"Annie?" I look over and see her in the same position as she was when I feel asleep.
"dude have you been here all night and morning?" conor asks.
"you can go and get some real sleep or just a coffee if you want i can watch her" he says looking at me sympathetically.
"no i have to be here for when she wakes up"
"dude you know that's not good for you and that there is a chance she won't wake up"
"she will" I say through my teeth.
"I hope she will but you have to be prepared incase she doesn't, is her family over yet to see her?" He asks.
"what?" I ask, why would they be here?
"well there daughter was just involved in a brutal accident that could kill her why wouldn't they be here?"
"erm... It's a long story but they won't be here"
"why, is she an orphan or something?"
"it's her dads fault that she's here"
"I'm sure it'll be all over the news what time is it?"
"erm... Three"
"put on the news then, they'll probably mention it we were the only ones hurt" he puts on the TV and sits on the seat opposite me.
"bobs diner has been left in pieces since yesterday late at night when three men drove a car through a window hitting two sixteen year olds, jude mullen had escaped with a small concussion however his girlfriend Annie has been left in critical condition with her outcome being unclear, apparently it was her father who was driving the car as she was emotionally abused by them in ireland and after an attempted suicide moved from ireland to new York where she met jude but her parents continued to threaten them both and hurt them while her mother sally was charged her father remained a free man amd took his revenge on her last night the doctors say they are hoping for the best but right now it is unclear what will happen to the sixteen year old girl who had been put in hospital by her own father the only thing we can say for sure is she is in our thoughts, the manager, Chris, has said the attack has left him in a very bad place financially but also emotionally he described the incident as sick and inhuman and says he will help in any way he can to make sure her father who escaped the scene is caught" the lady says while showing pictures of us both, her parents and the wreckage i look at conor who is completely shocked and looking between me and annie.
"Did you know all that?" he asks.
"why didn't you tell me"
"we are best friends but I have to remember it's up to her and now everyone knows" he nods.
"I'm gonna get us some coffee her friend emily said she'd come by later but for now I'll stay with you"
"you don't have to"
"I want to" he says leaving to get us coffee i look back at annie and kiss her hand again telling her how much I love her.

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