~ Hello ~

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Hello there!

Thank you for opening this book, honestly if you're reading this I've finally gotten the courage to actually post it ( this fandom is dead, also not to mention my writing is t-r-a-s-h )

Anyways, let me get to the point.

MASSIVE TW, this is about vampires, there will be mentions of multiple touchy subjects ( murder, blood, knives, rape, sa, sh, etc ), so if you don't read this chapter properly, don't comme after me for not putting a tw, I have. I also have not played the game so excuse me if a character is ooc.

I will not write anything super explicit ( if you know what I mean- ) but it will be hinted to so make sure to read between the lines or else things might seem...confusing.

You ( reader ) will be non binary since I want this to be the most inclusive possible :)

Anywho, I won't keep you any longer!

Enjoy the read!

- Author ❤️

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now