~ Reiji ending ~

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Alright, hear me out, Reiji is one of my least favourite characters.
So, if you don't like this chapter please don't come after me...he's probably going to be REALLY out of character-

Let's begin...


Y/n's pov:

I sighed, placing the books Reiji told me to put away, on a shelf in Reiji's study.

They were all boring encyclopedias and textbooks from different scientists, psychologists, etc.

I huffed sitting down in one of Reiji's uncomfortable chairs, did this man have anything interesting in his study?!

I narrowed my eyes, scanning the entire room before laying my eyes on a rather shabby and different looking book in the room.

I smiled mischievously before quickly walking to the book and opening it.

The cover was a regular looking journal but the inside was completely different.

It was filled to the brim with pictures of me, in my youth and now, information about me and theories of my behaviour.

My likes and dislikes, favourite dessert, place and hobbies.

I didn't know wether I should feel scared or flattered.

On one hand, this was borderline stalker behaviour but on the other, he went out of his way to dedicate a book to me and study me to know what I like and how he should act around me. I mean, at least he didn't have a full on shrine for me...

I flipped through more of the pages, and smiled to myself when I saw how Reiji added touches of things that I would like. Such as (Favourite color) sticky notes or masking tape, a (Favourite flower) tapped to one of the pages, and even an explanation of...my blood-type?

Ok...let's put this book down now...

I quickly put the book down, but when I turned around I saw a shocked Reiji staring down at me.

I panicked, standing up quickly I bowed down to Reiji, "I'm so sorry Reiji! I shouldn't have gone through your stuff! I'm so stupid-"

"So I suppose you know...", Reiji sighed, falling into one of his chairs on putting his face into his hands.

"Uhm, no?", I answered curiously.

"Well, wouldn't it be obvious? After everything I went through to make that book..."

It suddenly dawned on me, does...Reiji Sakamaki...Have a crush on me?!

"Wait! Do you like me?!", I exclaimed, my face going bright red.

I seriously couldn't believe he really liked me too!

I actually had the biggest crush on Reiji, he was so perfect and I strived to be just as put together and well-mannered as he was. Minus the sadistic part tough...

"Yes, yes I do. Happy now?", Reiji sighed looking up to me before fixing his glasses, "We must resolve this, since life in this mansion will be extremely awkward with this "unresolved tension".", Reiji answered crossing his arms.

"What makes you say that?", I asked still a little red in the face.

"Well, you obviously don't like me back.", Reiji answered, he held a blank expression but I couldn't help but notice a twinge of hurt in his voice.

I sighed with a smile on my face, "Reiji, I thought you were smart," I laughed a little at Reiji's confused expression when he looked up to me, "Of course I like you back.", I smiled at him, a look of genuine love in my eyes.

Reiji sat there, unsure what to answer I laughed and hugged him. He was extremely tense, and clearly not experienced in these kind of things.

"Don't worry Reiji, we can go slowly, anything for you to get used to it.", I smiled looking up to him, he looked down at me, with a smile on his face.

He looked extremely happy also very handsome. My face went red as I just focused back to hugging him.

"Very well y/n, thank you for your understanding.", Reiji answered, placing a hand on top of my head and the other hugging me back as he placed a light kiss on the top of my head.

I only smiled from happiness, who knew that the seemingly always serious vampire had such a soft side?


Ok plsss, this is too cringy-
Anywaysss, it didn't actually turn out that awfully.
Kind of short, but still not bad-
Eh, hope you all have lovely days/nights!
Bye <3
- Author ❤️

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