~ Chapter 5 ~

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I sat up in bed, getting up quickly to make sure I have enough time to find the kitchen and not get harassed by another vampire.

It was clearly too late when I found Ayato standing in my room.

« You seriously let Laito try you before me?! », he questioned accusingly.

I looked over to him, clearly done with this shit.

« I didn't exactly let him Ayato he basically assaulted me, besides, I'm sure I don't even taste that good. », I stared blankly before rolling my eyes to him. Despite my words he still pinned me against the wall. His hot breath on my skin. I shut my eyes, as he sank his fangs into my skin. Flinching slightly. Once he was done drinking my blood he licked my neck before looking back at me.

« You liar, you taste delicious, better than chichinashi... », he stated, narrowing his eyes at me in suspicion.

« Oh, don't look at me like that. As if I'd know what I'd taste like Ayato. », I huffed putting my hands on my hips looking down in defeat.

« Look, if you leave me alone, I'll pack takoyaki for you in your lunch. Alright? », I said trying to come up with a compromise.

« Fine. Or whatever... », he said looking away and trying to hide the excitement in his voice. Clearly failing.

« Great. Now get out I need to change. », I pointed at the door, urging him out of my room before quickly closing the door behind him.

'finally...' I quickly put on my maid/butler outfit and walked downstairs and towards the kitchen.

Sitting on the counter I found a piece of paper for me

You are excused from cleaning duties for the day because of yesterday's events.Drink cranberry juice it helps with the low blood in your system.Don't explore the house too much.You still must do your laundry, and make dinner and breakfast.And, you must clean the kitchen.

I practically beamed. I hate doing chores so not having to do too much was a refreshing.

I made a simple breakfast before quickly eating and heading towards the kitchen to finish Ayato's takoyaki and clean the kitchen.

I pulled out my phone and started to listen to streets by Doja Cat ( I FUCKING LOVE DOJA CAT SM YALL DONT EVEN KNOW ❤️💀🤚 )

« Damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing. And it's mother fucking scary. Tryna keep him cuz I found him. Let a hoe know, I ain't mother fucking sharing- », I started singing along.

« My my~ What an interesting song~ », Laito's voice filled the room.

I whipped around quickly my eyes meeting with his dark green ones.

« I must admit bitch-chan, you are very tasty. And I'm hungry~ », he started walking over to me.

« Laito, you already got a taste yesterday. Besides, I'm trying to cook... », I said, frowning slightly.

« Aw, alright I'm feeling nice today so I'll let you off this time, next time I won't be so nice though~ », Laito cooed.

« By the way Laito. », I started. He turned around to face me a questioning smile on his face.

« Thank you for not going farther yesterday. », 'and avoiding the extra trauma...' « I appreciate it. », I said slightly embarrassed since he still drank my blood...

He just sort of stood there shocked.

He then just turned around and walked away. I just shrugged and turned back to my cooking. I made a cute bento box for Ayato, I also added some cute decorations to the box for fun since I was bored. Smiling at my hard work and went looking for Ayato before finding him in the main hall.

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now