~ Chapter 21 ~

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Author's pov:

Yui was extremely nervous on the car ride to y/n's house. Well, everyone was but Yui was specifically showing it.

Kanato was trying not to show it, but he was worried, he didn't want them to leave him again.

Ayato was extremely inpatient looking out the window. constantly and screaming at every red light.

Laito was attempting to lighten up the mood, but to no avail.

Shu was sleeping, but actually was looking out the window a lot and if someone caught him he'd say they were being too loud.

Reiji was constantly pushing up his glasses and tapping his foot on the ground.

Subaru looked as if he was holding in the urge to throw someone out of the car right then and there.

Azusa was just frowning in worry and crying a little too.

Yuma was scowling and looking out of the window, he was very worried but played it off but saying it was a waste of time.

Kou was smiling, but his smile was dark and wrong.

Ruki had his eyes narrowed and he was looking everywhere.

Finally, they arrived at the destination and Ayato practically sprinted out of the car and busted open the door with everyone right behind him.


Your pov:

I shook when I saw Miu.

"Miu?! I thought you were dead. Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Where are my parents? I-", I babbled off running a hand through my hair.

Miu started laughing, "What are you talking about? Your parents are dead. Are you delusional?", Miu laughed at me.

"What...", I trailed off, I started looking around the house and realized there were bowls, clothes, a bunch of objects and trash all over the floor.

"I don't...understand.", I frowned looking back at Miu who was now staring at me darkly.

"It's funny what the brain can do to you after trauma.", Miu smiled pulling a gun from her pocket and rising it up.

"Now, I need to finish what I started.", Miu said as she shot.

Everything went dark and I opened my eyes to see the reflection.

"It is time for you to remember...", they called out raising their hand to my forehead and touching it.

Everything went blank for a second and I opened my eyes, I was in the living room. One of my arms were bleeding and my parents were dead on the floor with multiple stab wounds littering their body.

I looked up to see Miu laughing over their dead corpses.

I tried screaming, but nothing came out. Crying was no use either, I couldn't get anything out of my eyes. I simply stood there in shock and disbelief.

Then, Miu turned to me, but I slowly felt a bubbling rage rising inside of me. Something that was left to simmer and grew too much before everything went dark.


I was now in school I was holding a student by her hair and she was pleading for me to stop. There was blood all over the walls and floors. Bodies, bodies and more bodies piled up around me.

I couldn't do anything as I felt myself stab and stab the girl with no resentment. I stood there, the anger was slowly dissipating.

Everything went dark.

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now