~ Chapter 8 ~

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The next few days went pretty mildly.

My blood getting drunk here and there, boring and excruciating hours of cleaning and finally some happier moments with Yui.

Then finally Wednesday came. Reiji surprisingly allowed me to take a break and so I decided to take the whole day to plan and start to decorate the empty room.

Once the packages arrived I rushed to take them before anyone could see me and run to the room. I closed the door behind me silently and ripped open the packages. Putting all the decorations down I took out a notepad and started to sketch down different possible designs. Once I chose a design I started getting to work.

I was wearing a pretty basic outfit. With a pair of shorts and a button up, white shirt. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

After two hours the room was still pretty bare but it started to look more lively than plain and boring.

I went downstairs, downing a bowl of soup quickly and taking a cereal bar before going back to the room and decorating it some more.

I added some desks, a painting space but also a studying area. I decided to teach myself since I was probably never going back to school. The room looked much more modern compared to the vintage look the rest of the house had.

I checked the clock I added to the room...3:35, the others would get back soon. I left the room closing the door behind me before locking it with the lock and key I added to the door so no one go into the room but me.

Once the others got home I retreated to my room, reading one of the vampire books from the library.

"Uhm, Y-y/n?", Yui's timid voice called out.

I peeked my head from over my book, "Yeah Yui? Do you need something?", I asked giving her a warm smile.

"No, Kanato told me to get you...", she said rubbing her arm a bit before adding: "Good luck, you'll need it.", leaving the room quickly.

I sighed, 'This'll be fun...' I scowled before heading towards Kanato's room.

"Ah, you finally arrived, Teddy and I thought you wouldn't show up and that we'd have to get you.", he looked over to me sinisterly.

"Yeah. Do you need anything Kanato?", I asked, I wanted to get this over and done with. He was truly creepy and I'm almost positive he's bipolar.

"Yes, I want to show you something.", he said smiling a little.

'Oh fuck no.'

"Sure Kanato, lead the way!", I smiled to him.

He grabbed my wrist before dragging me through the halls twisting and turning as my brain started getting dizzy. Before I knew we landed in a room full of...life sized dolls.


"It's my collection of brides. Aren't they beautiful Y/N?", Kanato said, he sounded almost proud of himself.

"Uhm, wow-", I was lost for words. And not in a good way, something about these dolls were almost too...real.

"Kanato, could these dolls be...", I let my voice trail off to scared to make out the rest of the sentence.

"Dead people? Huh, You're not as stupid as Yui. Yes they are, I made them all so beautiful, say...wouldn't you want to be a doll? I'll make you so pretty! And I'll shut that big mouth of yours.", Kanato turned to me smiling.

"You say this like I have a choice Kanato. But clearly no matter how much I refuse, you wouldn't take no for an answer.", I sighed trying to sound calm. But it's a bit hard to hide the fact that I'm shaking all over.

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