~ Chapter 18 ~

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I woke up once again in the vast, dark expanse.

I sighed.

This is going to be fun...

"Why so sad? You were happy to see me yesterday.", the reflection called out teasingly.

"Well, you didn't exactly answer my question yesterday. Abstract, half-ass answer.", I huffed angrily turning around to face them.

"I told you, it's for you to find out. The trauma made you forget the true story.", the reflection shook their head and crossed their arms.

"True...story?", I tilted my head to the side, "But, I know what I did...", I said.

"Well then, I guess you don't need the memory hm?", the reflection said, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait! I only have assumptions. But the guilt, it has to be me!", I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Sure. Welp got to go! See ya!", the reflection winked and I woke up.

But, this time, I wasn't sweating or anything. I was fine.

I turned to my side and saw Yui sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled down at her and got out of bed.

I went to the bathroom and got ready. Smiling when I saw the eye-bags starting to disappear.

When I came back in, I saw Laito trying to drink Yui's blood.

I coughed out loud and got both of their attention.

"This is my room Laito. Please, leave.", I pointed to the door and Laito smiled.

"I haven't seen you in a while little bitch. Don't you like me anymore?", Laito walked over to me and leaned over so our heads were levelled and barely touching.

"Please Laito, we can talk some other time, or something.", I pushed him back lightly and made my way to Yui.

"How about, we hang out today. Meet me in the kitchen.", Laito smiled and walked away.

"Fine...", I answered and he finally left.

"You can't hang out with him y/n! He'll do awful things to you!", Yui exclaimed worriedly but I took her hand and smiled at her.

"I'll be fine Yui. Thank you for your concerns.", I answered reassuringly. She only frowned and nodded her head.

"I hope so..."




I walked into the kitchen and found Laito leaning on one of the counters before turning to look at me. He smiled mischievously.

"Well well, look who actually showed up.", he snickered and held out his hand. I reluctantly took it and he led me to the garden.

There was a table with macarons and two chairs. Laito pulled out the chair and signalled me to sit.

Once I did, he sat down in the other chair and offered me a macaron. Suspicious, I refused at first, but I eventually gave in and grabbed a vanilla flavoured one.

"You're lucky little bitch. I don't share my macarons with everyone you know?", Laito said teasingly.

"Wow, I feel very special.", I answered sarcastically between bites, "But seriously, these are delicious! Where do you buy these?", I asked.

"Oh, I get them imported from France.", Laito answered simply. My jaw dropped.

"Imported?! From France?!", I shook my head in disbelief, "No way! Wait, do you speak french?", I asked, a smile on my face. I always found the complicated language interesting.

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now