~ Chapter 10 ~

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*TW: This chapter mention very vague thoughts of self-harm. If this is triggering please do not read.*

I sat up in bed, luckily no one had annoyed me this morning so I got to sleep in.

Standing back up, I realized the others must have left for school already, and that I should probably get to cleaning.

And so I did.

I cleaned all around the house making sure I didn't miss a single spot, for Reiji's sake...

Sighing, I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich and to take a break.

I leaned back on the counter with a glass of water in my hand.

I was still a little shook from the events of yesterday. I probably should've asked Reiji for another break day.

As if he'd let me take a break.

I thought shaking my head. I headed to the closet before getting all the supplies I needed to finally go to the cellar.

I was still too scared to go there because of...yeah.

I found the light switch and flicked it, the room came to light to show a dimly lit room. It was full of random things, old victorian chairs, portraits, clothes, etc.

I looked around, the room was actually quite nice. I decided to look at the stuff.

I found some portraits of that witch, Cordelia; but, I also found some of two other women, Beatrix and Crista. I assumed Christa was Subaru's mother since she resembled him so much and Beatrix must be Reiji and Shuu's mother.

Beatrix seemed to be strict and well-mannered, much like Reiji. Christa on the other hand seemed more timid and sad, the opposite of Subaru.

I spent time looking at a ton of things in there, but also dusting and sweaping the place. I think I might've picked up ten different diseases from the amount of grime and bacteria there was in there.

I walked out of the cellar, it was already 2:00 pm, I'd spent most of my day in there. Well, it was very dirty and still needed lots of organizing.

I decided to go to my secret room and decorate it some more.

I added fairy lights, fake vines , some posters and much more to the room; it was finally starting to look like a well-decorated room.

I checked the clock once again, 3:30 pm, I quickly snuck out of the room and retreated back to the kitchen.

I found Kanato once again looking for snacks I was guessing.

"Kanato, do you want me to help you?", I asked him, smiling when he turned to look at me.

"Yes.", he stated blankly, waiting for me to get him something.

I walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a bag of chocolates before passing them to him.

He took them, but looked back at me, "Do you hate me and teddy?", he asked staring at me expectingly.

I thought a bit, something to make him happy, but leave me alone...

"No, I don't hate you, wasn't giving you those chocolates enough proof?", I asked him a question this time.

"I suppose, but a better way to prove it is by letting my drink your blood. Ne, wouldn't you think teddy?", Kanato said looking down to his cute teddy bear.

I looked down to teddy, I knew how kids were like, I was around them all the time before.

"I suppose I never properly introduced myself to you Teddy, my name is y/n.", I said bowing lightly to the teddy bear.

Kanato's eyes widened, "Nobody's treated Teddy like that excepting me...", he muttered, looking back at me.

"Do you have a friend like Teddy?", he asked, I laughed awkwardly, not wanting to expose myself.

"I do actually, nobody knows, so...say, will you keep as our little secret?", I asked him smiling.

His face lit up, "I won't tell anyone!", he said before running off with the bag of chocolates I gave him.

He acted like a child at times, but he was also extremely dangerous...and super bipolar-




Once dinner was finished I decided to go talk to Laito.

"Hey Laito.", I said catching up with him; he turned around, looking at me with a mischievous smile.

"Yes Little Bitch?", he said as I sighed from the ridiculous nick name.

"I wanted to ask about that asshole, Richter. Did you take care of him? Just wondering.", I asked him.

His smile dropped for a second before he smiled again.

"Of course, he won't bother us again.", he said laughing before walking away.

I sighed in relief, thankful Laito got rid of him.

"Thanks Laito!", I called after him; he stopped in his tracks but started walking off again waving his arm.




I sat in bed. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that things weren't quite over.

My nightmares had been getting so much worse ever since I got to this mansion. The haunted screams of...

I sighed, shaking the thoughts away. It's no use reminiscing on the past. I was more focused on either getting comfortable with my new life, or running away and starting a new one.


I thought of the name...

"Stop!", I screamed slamming my fists into the wall. I fell to the ground, crying into my hands that were now bleeding onto the carpet.

I sobbed quietly as the memories slipped back into my mind, filling me with more self hatred and disappointment in myself.

I shook my head, the thought, bitter-sweet. I walked over to my shelf, and pulled out Subaru's knife. I stared at it, then to my arms, then my legs and then back to the knife.

I shook my head, if I got caught, who knows what would happen. I quickly stuffed the knife back and walked back to the bed flopping back down.

I pulled the covers over my head, tears rolling down my cheeks as I dozed off...

Little did I know...someone was watching me from the doorway...


I wonder who it was...

Uhm, lmao, been feeling really shitty lately, so why not write it down into my fan-fiction! yay!!

Anywho, yeah...bye-

- Author <3

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