~ Chapter 9 ~

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Silence, calm silence was all that filled my mind...

Before I heard swords clashing.

I sat up from bed quickly, wondering what that sound was.

I changed into a quick outfit before quickly heading downstairs.

Curiously following the source of the sound I found all the brothers gathered around with a strange man, and Yui?

She looked just like her, but she had green eyes and was wearing a black sleeveless dress with long gloves.

"Who is this?", Yui, or I'm not even sure who, asked glaring at me.

All the brothers turned to look at me, I stood there not quite sure how to react.

"She is not important at the moment Cordelia.", the strange man stated looking at...Cordelia...

Is this Yui's evil twin or something?

I just looked around extremely confused, my mind was going so quickly I was trying to keep up with it.

I saw a portrait somewhere in the house with a beautiful lady, she had purple hair and the exact same green eyes. She also coincidentally had the same name as this girl.

I slowly pieced together the information, has...that lady, whom is probably dead...taken over Yui's body?

"Where's Yui?.", I asked firmly.

"I'm right here, or at least I'm all that's left of her.", Cordelia said laughing.

I sighed, this is absolutely ridiculous, but also very worrisome.

"These boys are truly dull as ever. Richter dispose of them immediately.", Cordelia said as she passed the knife Subaru gave me,"Do it right now!", she ordered.

I gasped then scowled, how did she get a hold of that...

"Let me see that, this is Subaru's knife isn't it? It's highly lethal. One stab to the heart with this thing and it's lights out for any of them.", Richter stated as he studied the knife.

"Yes. They would disintegrate immediately without any pain. That only goes to show how much I love them.", she said gleefully.

The brothers stood there, unfazed; I growled.

'This woman is truly a witch.'

"Now dispose of them quickly. And I will be more than happy to make you the next head of the family.", Cordelia said her smile widening even more as if she was pulling a dirty trick on this man.

Who am I kidding, she definitely is...

"So if I kill them for you, you swear to make me head of the family?", he asked, still looking at the knife.

"Yes...", she said.

"Well that's strange...", Richter said.

"Huh?", Cordelia stopped smiling, looking to Richter.

"I was under that impression we'd already agreed upon that. Was it not one of the terms we discussed while I saved you as you lay dying? You solemnly swore that if I saved your life, you would grant ultimate authority over this family...to me.", he stated plainly, now seeming very intimidating.

"Richter...you must know that I'll do anything you desire, my darling. Oh, hurry up and dispose of these pesky boys! Do it for me, won't you?", Cordelia assured him, walking over to hold onto his arm.

"You are a fool.", Richter stated plainly. Cordelia turned to look up at Richter clearly confused. "You're useless to me like this, nothing but damaged goods. Do you really think I want you in this condition? The only thing I really need...is your heart. once I awaken the girl who possesses your heart and make her mine, I will become the next head of the family. And I can do it all without your assistance.", Richter explained, Cordelia took some steps back, her face held one of shock and fear.

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