~ Chapter 22 ~ (FINAL CHAPTER)

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I huffed looking back at my reflection, "We don't have to do this you know?", I panted, wiping my mouth and turning back to the demon.

"You don't know what it's like.", they said narrowing their eyes, "Being created by a stupid person, just to get stuck inside their mind until they die. This has been really great getting to know you but I want a life.", they said, getting back into a fighting stance.

I lifted my fists, and started punching them, then kneeing them in the stomach leading them to fall on the ground.

"I'm lucky, I have more fighting experience, without your special powers in here, you're hopeless.", I smiled.

The demon shrugged and stood up, "Then, I guess we'll fight forever. You're in a deep deep sleep right now. And unless you destroy me, which you don't have the will power for, we're stuck here forever.", they smirked and threw a punch at me.

I dodged, grabbed their arm and threw them to the ground, splashing ink all around us.

"I will fight until I can destroy you, trust me.", I whispered to them, before bending their arm in an unnatural manner. The hissed in pain, but once they stood up, it was back to normal.

"Alright then, suit yourself."




Yui's pov:

"Good luck.", I whispered before walking back into the hall.

Y/n was the only person who seemed to be changing the vampire's behaviour. But, since they're gone, they've been returning to their unhealthy habits.

Shu's been sleeping much more.

Reiji's been more strict than usual, I mean, I've have six punishments this week.

Ayato's been drinking my blood more often and more aggressively.

Laito's been flirting with everyone we cross by in the hallway, yet hasn't gone to anyone's house.

Kanato tried killing me twice already.

Subaru's broken five walls and the damage is starting to get bad.

Ruki's been ignoring everyone, like everyone.

Kou's just been smiling menacingly to everyone we've passed by, it's kind of scary.

Azusa's gotten back to cutting himself.

And Yuma's been on edge a lot lately, insulting everything he sees.

And I've...well I just miss y/n...

I frowned before returning to my room quietly.




Everything was quiet in the house.

Too quiet, no one was out in the halls and even the sudden gust of wind could be heard throughout the entire mansion, resonating throughout the hallways.

When suddenly a scream was heard from y/n's room.

When I tell you everyone rushed there so quickly...

They found y/n panting and sweating, holding on tight to their bedsheets.

Their hair was a mess, there were tears streaming down their face and they looked plain awful.

But, everyone rejoiced and a few tears were shed, really just from Yui, Azusa and Kanato.




Your pov:

I looked around the room, surprised to see all the people happy to see me. It almost felt, unreal.

I smiled tiredly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, attempting to look better despite my current state.

Yui burst into tears, hugging me so tightly, "Oh god! I missed you so much y/n! Please, don't ever leave me alone!", she sobbed into my arms as I hugged her back.

Shu smirked from across the room, he was laying down on my chair, looking at me, "I think you broke my record for sleeping the most.", he chuckled to himself as I let out a little laugh.

Reiji...smiled? "I see you're back and well. That is good to know y/n.", he stated with a small smile on his face, and a genuine one at that, not that scary ass one.

Ayato scowled, "Don't go running around like that n/n! That's it! I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again!", he exclaimed immediately standing beside me.

Laito smiled with a look of relief on his face, "I thought I would never get to admire your beautiful eyes ever again little bitch.",  he smirked when I blushed a little.

Kanato sniffled a little then scowled, "I forgive you y/n! I'm sorry! I was just scared you wouldn't stay forever!", he sniffled looking at me.

Subaru scoffed, "You idiot, don't run off like that again.", he warned and I immediately nodded my head.

Ruki stayed a little silent, but before he left my room he left me a book.

Kou smiled at me, "Good thing you're up little mouse! I was getting a bit worried!", he giggled lightly and I smiled at him.

Azusa burst into tears hugging me so tightly, I'm pretty sure he blocked my air circulation.

Yuma smirked at me, "Idiot, what if you got hurt, I wasn't there to help you.", he stated as I laughed awkwardly.

"It's nice to see you all again.", I stated smiling brightly as I looked at all of them.

It felt nice to be in a place with the first people to ever truly care for me.

It was a fresh start, and not just the end.


Sorry the end was rushed but I've got to start working on the THIRTEEN endings...
Here they are, in order:

- Yui
- Shu
- Reiji
- Ayato
- Laito
- Kanato
- Subaru
- Ruki
- Kou
- Azusa
- Yuma
- No one (friends, for my aro/ace or ppl who don't simp for any of the characters)
- No one (Run away)
And that's a whole lot of endings there my friend.
Thank you for the few people who followed me on this short journey, bcs I wrote this in not even a month (TF?????)
Welp good day/night my fellow rats
- Author <3

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