~ Yui ending ~

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Before, Yui would've thought that dating, or feeling attracted to another could be blasphemous to her church and her beliefs.

But, now that se met you, she started changing her mind. Every time she was around you, her heartbeat would quicken and she'd find it hard to speak.

She wanted to hold you in her arms forever or maybe even...kiss you...

Yui shook her head, blushing madly.

You mustn't think of things like that Yui!

She stood up and walked towards the garden to keep her mind off of things.

Her mind wandered as she looked around the garden, then back to the flowers she was standing in front of.

They were delicate yet beautiful, a perfect way to describe y/n...

"Stop it Yui!", she murmured to herself covering her bright red face.

"Yui?", y/n's angelic voice rung in Yui's ears as she swiftly turned to y/n.

She immediately tensed up and tripped up on her words attempting to come up with a response, "H-hello, *cough*, uhm, H-hi? I was thinking about you- I mean these pretty flowers.", Yui wanted to smack herself then and there.

Y/n laughed and walked over to Yui, "Still shy as ever. Sorry if I scared you.", they said with an apologetic smile.

"N-no! You didn't do anything. Don't worry.", Yui muttered, slightly red from embarrassment.

Y/n sighed in relief and looked at Yui in a manner she had never seen someone look at her.

"D-do you need something y/n?", Yui asked a little nervously.

Y/n quickly shook their head in embarrassment, "No! You didn't do anything wrong, don't worry.", they answered quickly.

They stood there in awkward silence for a bit before y/n spoke up once again.

"So...", they trailed off awkwardly, "I wanted to ask you something...", they finally said, blushing a little.

Yui started blushing a bit too.

Are they going to ask me out? No way! They definitely don't like me! Arghhh stop it Yui!!

Yui focused back on y/n, who was now starring at them.


"I love you more than anything y/n! I went to spend all of my life with you! You're smart, beautiful, funny and so much more! I love your face and hands and how they fit perfectly into mine!", Yui blurted out loudly and quickly, her face was now too red to even describe.

She gasped and covered her mouth immediately.

Y/n stood there, shocked and unmoving.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so stupid! Oh god, what do I do...", Yui trailed off when y/n put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, before grabbing her waist and pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you too...", they mumbled into Yui's ear, making her heat up.

Eventually they pulled away from the hug and starred at Yui lovingly in the eyes.

"You don't know how much time I've waited for you to say that.", y/n muttered, a bright smile that made Yui swoon.

Yui's eyes trailed from y/n's eyes down to their lips as their face went bright red when y/n caught her.

Y/n pulled Yui's face closer, grabbing their chin softly and tilting her head up to look at them.

Their faces inched closer and closer until finally, their lips met.

It felt amazing, it was as though their lips were meant for each other, it was a sincere, longing, loving and slightly lustful kiss.

Yui melted under their touch as she hugged y/n closer to her, not wanting to let go of the moment of bliss.

Sadly, they ended up pulling away, panting a little.

Quickly, y/n regained their composure and looked back at Yui.

"I truly love you, Yui.", they hugged Yui, "I hope we can spend as much time as possible together.", they said kissing the top of Yui's head.

"I love you too y/n."

My beloved's future ( reader x various ) Diabolik lovers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now