~ Chapter 6 ~

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I woke up with Yui in my arms. We were cradling each other.

Yui's face held a calm and serene look as she peacefully and dreamlessly slept.

My face got a bit red at the intimate position we were in.

« Yui. Hey, Yui, wake up... », I said shaking her softly.

« Mmn, f-five more minutes... », she said, turning to her side.

« Come on Yui- »

« What are you two doing in bed together?! », Ayato's voice boomed in the room echoing in the huge room.

« Ayato, we only slept in the same bed last night. Don't jump to conclusions... », I said, clearly aggravated.

« Sure, come on Chichinashi, I'm thirsty. », Ayato said before grabbing Yui who was now very awake and very scared, he grabbed her wrist and was about to pull her away before I took his arm.

« Ayato it's early in the morning can't you leave her alone? », I said, with a stern look on my face.

« Tch, whatever. », he said pushing Yui's arm back before walking walking out of the room. Yui's sighed before looking at me greatfully. I just smiled back at her.

« Come on Yui, we should get ready for the day. It is a Saturday though... », I said pensively, but I just shrugged my shoulders and got out of bed walking towards the bathroom to get dressed.

I got into my outfit and did my morning routine before walking back into my room to find Yui missing.

'She's probably getting dressed in her room.' I looked at myself in the mirror quickly before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen to find Kanato.

« Oh, hello Kanato. Can I help you? », I asked him as he turned to look at me.

He just scowled and walked away angrily.

'I guess he's still mad, huh?' I just shrugged and got to breakfast.

Quickly finishing up I placed meals on the counter for each of the brothers and Yui to eat, and went off to the library.




Sitting back down in my pile of books I quickly zoned out completely focusing on the book not paying attention to anyone around me before I heard a low hum, someone trying to get my attention. I looked up to see Reiji.

« Ah, Reiji, I suppose you have work you want me to do? », I said a hint of sadness in my tone.

« No, I actually wanted to invite you for tea. », he said, blankly, but I caught a hint of maliciousness in his eyes.

« Very well... », I said in a sceptical tone, narrowing my eyes before standing up and following him throughout the house.

We finally arrived at his study, it was a pretty room with a collection of beautiful tea sets each probably costing lots and lots of money.

« Very well, I shall prepare some tea. You may sit in that seat. », he said before turning his back to me.

I sat down before he came back with one tea cup in his hands. He sat down and sat down in his seat.

« I suppose you were expecting some tea? How rude and ungrateful. », he said looking at me with nothing but disgust.

I just crossed my arms staring back at him before saying: « Aren't you the rude one? I'm the guest, therefor, proper etiquette would be offering me a drink or something to eat. Besides, weren't you the one who invited me for tea? », I said glaring at him with the same look he had in his eyes.

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