~ Ayato ending ~

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I mumbled to myself angrily as I cleaned Ayato's room.

"Stupid, ugh...Why do I still have to do chores...Ayato's smug little smack-able face...", I muttered under my breath.

"I'll get him back...I swear...", I continued muttering angry insults at Ayato and promises of revenge.

"Oi! N/n! Are you done my room yet?! You're taking way too much time.", Ayato ran into his room jumping on his bed, ruining the sheets I had just changed and made the bed with.

"Ayato! I just made that bed! Get off!", I exclaimed, waving him off of his bed.

"This is my bed, you can't tell me what to do.", Ayato answered, looking away.

I sighed in defeat and continued dusting his night-table.

"Heyyy, n/n, you're being boring right now. I want to do something more fun...How about we play basket-ball?", Ayato asked excitedly, grabbing my hand and leading me to a basketball court in the mansion.

"Ayato...I'm really bad at this...", I sighed as I held the basketball in my hand, and Ayato stood in front of me.

"Oh, pshh, you'll be fine.", Ayato waved his hand and got back into a defensive stance, "Go on, try and get a point.", Ayato smiled confidently.

I attempted to get around Ayato, but he was too quick and I fell face first into the pavement.

"Ouch!", I exclaimed scraping my arms, legs and face on the hard ground.

"Eh, n/n get off of the ground!", Ayato said angrily getting me back up before he realized my nose and hands were bleeding. At first, he wanted to lick it, but quickly got his priorities straight.

"Ugh, you're no fun...Come on...", Ayato muttered dragging me back to my room.

He waited on my bed as I fixed myself up with some bandages, staring at me expectingly.

Once I finished I sighed, landing back onto my bed, "I'm never playing basketball ever again...I'll stick what I'm good at and clean the house.", I said to Ayato, who only frowned.

"But, who am I supposed to play with? Yui's even worse than you.", Ayato stated, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I laughed a little at this before turning to face Ayato.

"I'm sure Laito would love to play with you. Or you could make friends at school...Instead of fangirls-", I sighed at the somehow surrounded yet lonely vampire.

"No one wants to be my friend...", Ayato trailed off.

"I do, you just need to...work on being nicer...", I smiled awkwardly as Ayato frowned.

"You don't think I'm nice?!", Ayato exclaimed jumping up to his feet.

"You're very sweet Ayato...But you can be a pain at times.", I sighed with a smile, "That's why I like you.", I finished hugging Ayato.

He tensed up almost immediately, "Like me?", Ayato muttered.

He immediately pushed me off, I frowned but looked at Ayato, "Do you not?", I asked a look of worry on my face, had I just confessed my love that would never be returned?!

"No! It's just that...", Ayato trailed off and I smiled sadly.

"You just don't like me like that, it's alright Ayato I understand.", I sighed sadly but kept a smile on my face as I led him out of my room.

He only walked away quietly.

I punched the wall angrily as I groaned in embarrassment, falling back down onto my bed.

"Fuckkk, he doesn't like me! You idiot...", I muttered angrily to myself as I curled up in a ball of sadness and dozed off.

I woke up to a knock on my door, I stood up slowly and opened to door to find...Ayato?

He had a beautiful arrangement of flowers a teddy bear and a box of chocolates just for me. He had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Eh? Ayato,", I smiled grimly, "If you feel bad about rejecting me, don't. It's not your fault.", I sighed trying to close the door, but he stopped it with his foot.

"I never said I didn't like you n/n! It's just...I was scared...", Ayato mumbled the last part, but it didn't go unnoticed by me.

Was the fearless Ayato...scared?!

"It's ok Ayato...But, are you sure you're not doing this out of guilt or pity?", I asked, I wanted to make sure Ayato didn't feel pressured to like me back.

"No! I love you y/n! Please realize that!", Ayato exclaimed, a hint of despair in his voice. He was getting tired of me being skeptical.

"Ok, ok...I love you too Ayato.", I smiled as I hugged him.

Ayato dropped the stuff he had in his hands in shock.

"O-oi! The stuff I got you!", Ayato exclaimed.

"Oh whatever...", I said hugging Ayato more tightly, but I couldn't help but feel a bit sad for the chocolates, I was excited to try them-

Ayato eventually hugged me back before putting his hand under my chin and lifting my face to look at his.

"Now, you need to give me something in return...", Ayato said menacingly.

"You seriously want my blood right now Ayato? How unromantic...", I said angrily, furrowing my eyebrows.

"No you idiot! I meant a kiss!", Ayato exclaimed, exasperated.

"Ohhh...", I trailed off before laughing awkwardly.

"Well?", Ayato asked expectingly.

"Of course what sort of question is that?!", I exclaimed, pulling Ayato straight into the kiss. He had no idea how much I wanted to do that every time I saw his stupid little face.

Ayato placed his hands on my hips as mine rested in his hair, our kiss was long and sweet. As if it was longed for too much time.

Once we pulled away, Ayato had pushed me down onto the bed, resting his head on my chest.

I played with his hair, whispering sweet nothings to him as he hugged me.

"I love you Ayato..."


Anywayssss, still kinda cringy.
I'm also currently coming up with ideas for the plot of the black butler fanfiction I wanna write.
Should I make it be placed in the 1950s? So it'll a pretty cool type of fashion, though it might ruin the aesthetic, so I should maybe make it stay in the 19th century...Idk, give me your opinion.
Ok bye-
- Author ❤️

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