~ Chapter 2 ~

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I jolted from my peaceful slumber, knocking off my covers in the mean time and getting struck by a cold, sharp wind.

I shivered as I struggled out of bed and grabbing a robe before, aggressively turning off my alarm.

'Little bitch' I frowned at my alarm clock, before slipping on my uniform, brushing my hair and heading down stairs for breakfast.

I found my parent cleaning in the kitchen, « Good morning, ( whatever you call your parents ). » I told my parent before grabbing the cereal box and making myself a bowl of it. I downed the whole thing before going back upstairs and doing my morning routine. Before I left though, I got a text from Hiro.

Sorry I couldn't text yesterday, something from the council showed up and I got too busy, I really hope you aren't mad 😖😖

I totally fine! I was pretty busy yesterday too. I happens to the best of us. Lol 😅

That so good to hear! See you at school! ☺️

See you! :)

I smiled, stuck my phone into my pocket and walked out the door.




Most of the day was dull, I had a math test in two weeks and a science project I had to work on.

I met up with Hiro at lunch and we started talking with each other.

« So there's this weird boy in my culinary class named Kanato. Do you know about him? » I asked Hiro.

She immediately started frowning, « Ah, he's part of the Sakamakis, a bunch of assholes if you ask me. Shuu the eldest in lazy and his grades never go higher than a 60%, Reiji is a control freak who seems to be obsessed with manners and perfection, Ayato is just bossy and full of himself, Laito is the ultimate harasser, I swear so many girls have reported him but he can't get expelled because of his super loaded dad, Kanato is just plain creepy and some people say he's obsessed with life size dolls, just a rumour though and finally Subaru, I know, just like the car, he's just a loner with anger issues. They're a family full of issues if you ask me, no one knows who their mother is and apparently a girl has started going to school with them, if I'm correct her name is Komori Yui. She's super annoying but, bless her soul, she seems basically like a toy to those boys. I know, it's quite tragic actually. Anyways, that's all I know about Kanato and his, bizarre family. Any questions? »

I shook my head. They sounded like a bunch of creeps that I should avoid at all costs. I just looked back down at my lunch and kept eating, letting Haru talk and talk, her voice being like white noise, just constant buzzing.

Shuu, the name sounded familiar, was he in one of my classes?




I walked into my music class, bowing to the teacher before taking a seat in the back, I looked to my right to see a boy with blond hair sleeping. Damn, someone must be lazy...

« Shuu! Listen in class! » The teacher half-screamed at him.

'Shuu? I thought he was in his last year of high school, I'm only in my second. Am I possibly in the wrong class?' I started getting nervous...

« Now class, if you are wondering why there are students from different grades in the class, it's simply because not enough students joined so we had to make a mixed class. Don't worry. »

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