~ Chapter 14 ~

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I awoke in my room in the Mukami extremely confused.

I couldn't remember anything, and my arm was in a cast.

"Y/N?", Yui called out, walking towards me slowly.

"Yes Yui?", I answered, looking back up to her face.

"A-are you alright?", she asked me walking over and putting her hand on top of mine.

I simply looked up and smiled at her.

"Yes. I'm fine.", I sighed looking back down at my cast, "But, what happened?", I questioned to myself but also Yui.

Yui then explained most of what she understood, but she was very confused on how I managed to pin down Subaru single-handedly.

"I- don't know what to do with that information...", I frowned looking at the wall in front of me.

"Well, luckily, you'll only need the cast for a few weeks. The doctor said you only fractured your wrist.", Yui said trying to lighten the mood.

I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah...", my frown grew as my memory came back as to what happened.

That reflection...

"Yui, can you please leave? I need to breathe and think a little.", I said looking back to Yui expectingly.

"Of course! Bye, y/n...", Yui answered walking out of the room quickly.

I sighed dropping my properly working arm on my broken one. My jaw tightened.


"That fucking bitch!", I screamed thrashing my arm and hitting the bed post.

I gritted my teeth and put my arm down.

"I'll make him regret that...", I promised to myself.

I leaned back down on my bed before I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in.", I answered meekly.

I was surprised to see the person to walk in was...Kou?

"Eh? Kou?", I starred at him blankly.

"Hello little mouse! I heard about Subaru, left an impression on him didn't you?", he laughed a little.

"You clearly want something, if it's my blood, can't you see I'm already in a weakened enough state?", I sighed.

"Well, I do want something. But, not your blood.", Kou smiled mischievously at me before continuing: "I want to know how you managed a stunt like that. It's not everyday someone overpowers and strong vampire like that.", Kou stated, his eyes narrowing.

"If you think I'm a vampire, reconsider. I have not drunk blood, never; besides, I don't even have fangs.", I answered, crossing my arms.

Kou's expressions darkened, "You're lucky you weren't lying...", he said, "Anywho, what really happened then?", Kou asked sitting down on my bed leaning on his arms that were now behind him.

I explained everything. To the blur, and the reflection. Hopeful he had an idea as to what was happening to me.

"Wow, I have NO idea what the heck that is, but good luck!", Kou laughed walking away.

I scowled.





The rest of the brothers and Yui went to school and I spent the rest of my day in bed.

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