~ Shu ending ~

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Shu was always known for being closed off and lazy, but this was not the case when he was around y/n.

He seemed almost, happy?

They were both almost always found in the music room together. Chatting, sleeping or playing music.

They both shared a deep passion for music.

To the others in the mansion it was almost as though they were made for each other. Like soulmates.

Of course, both y/n and Shu found that ridiculous.

Y/n always thought Shu found them as a friend and nothing more. They were ready to accept that, yet, they always felt sad when Shu would hang out with Yui; which really never happened unless Shu wanted to drink her blood.

The truth is, Shu was madly in love with y/n, he wanted to spend every second of his day with them. And every-time he bit Yui, it was because he felt too guilty to hurt y/n in any way.

But, Shu was too afraid to express his feelings, because of rejection. Besides, he lived in the same house as them; if he was ever to be rejected it would be eternal awkwardness...


Shu pretended to sleep on the couch in the music room. Waiting for something interesting to happen.

He suddenly opened one of his eyes when he heard y/n's voice call out for him.

He frowned and sat up, but he was exploding with joy on the inside.

"What do you want now.", Shu mumbled, leaning his head back on the couch while crossing his arms.

Y/n played with their thumbs, "I wanted to know if you wanted to try this new song with me?", the asked, a little shy.

Shu smiled and stood up, "Sure.", he answered walking over to grab his violin.

Y/n's face illuminated immediately and happily walked over to the piano before grinning and placing their hands over the keys.

They scanned the music sheet before looking over to Shu with a look as if asking if he was ready. Shu nodded and they started playing.

The music was slow yet sweet, a beautiful waltz in D major.

Y/n swayed to the music lightly, while closing their eyes in content.

Once the blissful piece finished y/n jumped up and hugged Shu.

"We did so great! Thanks for playing with me Shu!", y/n exclaimed happily before looking back at Shu. Their face grew bright red when they realized the distance between Shu's and their face.

"Oh! I apologize!", y/n exclaimed, nervously shuffling back a few steps, "Didn't mean to get all close and personal, heh-", they looked back down at the ground, cursing at themselves internally.

You idiot! Should've just stayed silent...

Y/n sighed before looking back up at a flushed Shu.

"Eh- Shu?", y/n waved a hand in front of Shu's face in confusion. He stood there, dazed for a few seconds before snapping out of it and smirking back at y/n.

"We could've kissed there huh?", Shu teased and his smirk grew when he saw y/n's face grow redder by the second.

"Psh! As if! We're just friends!...", y/n trailed off at their words, their smile fading a little.

Shu also went silent as the two stood there in uncomfortable silence.

"I wish we were more...", Shu muttered under his breath as y/n perked their head up.

"You wish...What?", y/n asked, tilting their head to the side.

"I wish we were more than friends!", Shu blurted out. Quickly regretting it when y/n's facial expression dropped.

Their face was unreadable for a while before they looked away in a panic.

"I, shouldn't have said that- uhm...", Shu was panicked, he'd never been in a situation like this. How could he feel so helpless?!

"Shu...", y/n trailed off, and Shu breathed in, fearing for the next words that were to come out of y/n's mouth, "You...Don't know how long I've longed for you to say that!", Y/n threw their arms around Shu's neck, catching him off guard and making them fall on the ground. Y/n on top of Shu.

"Oh, oops-", y/n laughed, a little embarrassed. But, before they could say anything else, Shu cupped their cheeks and pulled them down for a kiss.

Y/n melted into it and put their hands in Shu's hair.

Once they finally pulled away, y/n was a panting mess and Shu smirked up at them.

"I didn't know you could be so lewd y/n.", Shu laughed lightly when y/n flushed red from anger and embarrassment.

"Oh hush.", y/n scowled at him before placing their head on Shu chest and hugging him.

"Uh, y/n, we're on the floor.", Shu sighed.

"You sleep anywhere Shu, it doesn't matter.", y/n answer was muffled into Shu's chest.

He only smiled and hugged y/n, resting his head on the wood floor.

Who knew I would end up with the most beautiful person in the world?

Shu wondered to himself, a silly smile plastered on his face as he dozed off with y/n...


So wholesome!
Also, I'm thinking about making a Black Butler fanfic, so my updates might be slower than usual.
I'm making fan fictions about the most DEAD fandoms lmao-
Thanks for reading!
Luv u <3
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