~ Chapter 7 ~

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Crimson red walls filled my dreams as pained screams filled my mind.

« Y/N! Please don't do this! I beg you! », a familiar yet distant voice called out to me as I awoke.

Panting I shook my head to stop thinking about the nightmare.

I looked around the room worriedly, scared someone would show up out of no where.

Only Laito was in the room...

I sighed, standing up and changing into a comfortable outfit. I decided to take a walk in the garden to keep my mind off of things.




Subaru's pov:

I was walking around in the garden, taking a night walk to look at the flowers before I saw a familiar face.

'Tch, what is the new person doing here?' I wondered to myself narrowing my eyes before I realized something.

They were...crying?

Your pov:

I took the rose delicately in my hands putting it up to my face as I let a tear roll down my cheek.

'I miss you so much Miu...'

I slowly opened my eyes to see Subaru staring at me. My face went red of embarrassment since he was seeing me in such a pathetic state. I quickly wiped away the tears before looking back at him.

"Uhm. Nice flowers...", I said not quite sure how to approach the albino.

"Uh, yeah...", he said in an awkward manner.

"Do you know who tends to the garden?", I asked him, a curious look plastered on my face.

"Oh. I do, I tend to the garden I mean.", he stated blankly. My eyebrows shot up.

"Woah. Really? The garden is gorgeous!", I beamed up to him smiling slightly before putting the rose down.

"Well, uhm-", I was cut off by Subaru hugging me. My eyes widened before I hesitantly hugged him back, of course though, he bent down to bite my shoulder. I winced, but, I think I was getting used to the sharp pain.

"You could've at least asked...", I sighed before pulling myself off of him. He just looked away guiltily.

"Sorry...", he mumbled before walking away quickly.

He seemed...nicer than the other brothers.

'But, he's still a vampire I need to be careful around him...'

I walked back to my room to find Laito still asleep in my bed. I just sighed and got back in bed.




The next morning I was awoken by a watching feeling. I opened my eyes slightly to see Laito staring at me. I jumped back in surprise.

"Laito! Quit staring at me, you're making me nervous...", I said, looking away angrily.

"Aw~ Are you embarassed?~", he said smirking slightly.

"No shit sherlock, that's what I just said-", I told him with a blank look on my face, with a hint of annoyance.

He just laughed a little before getting out of bed, luckily he was wearing pyjamas. But, he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Woah there buster! Get out of my room or in the bathroom if you want to change, I wish not to be flashed at the moment.", I told him covering my eyes while frowning at him.

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