~ Chapter 4 ~

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I woke up, puffy-eyed from all the crying of the night before.

'Get up y/n, before one of these brothers make you...' I frowned before sitting up and rolling out of bed.

My shoulders slouched slightly when paper caught my eye. It was a schedule of what I had to do.

6:00-7:00 am: get up and get ready for work7:00-8:00 am: make breakfast for yourself and the others8:00-12:00 pm: clean ( second floor )12:00-12:30 pm: eat lunch12:30-4:00 pm: clean ( main floor )4:00-5:30 pm: make dinner for yourself and the others5:30-6:30 pm: eat dinner6:30-8:00 pm: clean ( cellar/dinner )8:00-10:00 pm: Free time10:00 pm: Sleep

I scowled, what a painfully boring schedule. I checked my clock 6:15 am.

'Perfect.' I sighed before quickly changing into my maid/butler outfit and doing my morning routine. All of the necessities for my morning routine and simply everyday life was conveniently in the bathroom.

Once I finished, I checked my clock: 6:50 am, I took a deep breath before stepping out of my door. I knew where the kitchen was since I had already gone yesterday. Or so I thought...




I was lost. Most definitely lost.

'I'm going to be late for breakfast and I'm going to get killed.' I started looking around nervously I took a wrong turn somewhere and I ended up in an unknown part of the mansion.

I then heard a sound from a room. My shoulders tensed up. I wasn't dumb enough to mindlessly walk into the room so I turned the other way and walked away quickly. Not looking where I was going I ran face first into someone's chest.

« Oof- », I exclaimed before stumbling backwards.

« There you are, you were supposed to be in the kitchen. », an annoyingly familiar voice said.

I scowled before looking up to see Reiji with a disappointed glare in his eyes.

« I got lost. This place needs a map, geez- », I said, shrugging my shoulders and looking away nervously.

« You look awful, go fix your face. I'll make breakfast today. », Reiji stated before walking off.

« Thanks for the compliment and the directions to my room! », I screamed back to him. Flipping him off behind his back.

'What a bitch, Hiro was right about them' I wandered off to my room, hoping to find it by luck.




I finally got to my room and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

« Fucking hell hole. », I hissed between my teeth. Splashing my face with water before applying makeup to my face. I wasn't a professional makeup artist, but I was not awful either.

I stared at myself in the mirror.

« This is all that stupid Yui's fault, if I just hadn't involved myself with her... », I slammed my fist into the sink, hearing a crack in the fragile porcelaine material. I put my head down gritting my teeth. My sadness was now exchange with a bitter rage threatening to burst at any second.

« My my~ Someone's angry I see... », Laito's voice filled the room. My scowl grew as I turned to his perverted ass.

« Leave Laito. », I spat. Glaring at him in disgust. « Your words have no effect on me. »

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