Chapter One

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        I woke up in a prison. Of course I woke up in a prison, I had passed out on enemy ground. I don't remember much before I had passed out, my ears were still ringing and my head felt like a bowling ball. Most prison cells could be described as dark and dingy (I should know, I've been in plenty) but not this one.

 It was a roomy cell with crystals covering almost all of the walls. There were no windows but a small lantern hung from the ceiling filling the room with light, sparkles bouncing from the crystals. I racked my brain for what had happened. I had been discovered by the Crystal King's council. I looked down at my clothes, yup. I was still wearing the disguise I had used to get into the council's base. 

I struggled to sit up, trying my best to not fall flat on my face. There wasn't anything in the cell except the lantern and a change of clothes in the corner. Did I mention one of the walls was crystal bars? Did they expect me to get changed with no privacy? Whatever the reason I was given the clothes, I ignored them, I decided to try to find a way out. 

The cell was secure, but I still checked the walls. There was this one patch of concrete wall that I was confident was rigid for something. Whatever the reason, I didn't feel like finding out. As I walked around the room I found myself humming a tune. I didn't realize it so I kept searching for a way out. It was when I started to quietly sing the words did I fully remember what had happened.       

   "The spider's in the house, sleep-" I stopped myself, feeling so many emotions bubble up.


  That kniving princess. She was alive, but how? How does someone not only survive one, but two building collapses? However she was alive, I couldn't stop my emotions from manifesting. I counted several different emotions, ranging from love and joy- to hate and anger. I stifled down my feelings, this wasn't the time. I shook the crystal bars, hoping one of them might break.

 To my dismay, none of them budged. There wasn't even a door? How did they get me in here? I paced the room, hoping that might help my brain decide what to do. I glanced at the clothes in the corner. I walked over to them and unfolded them.

 They were not my vibe, for one thing- the only green on the clothes was a small patch on the shirt where a green dragon sat curled in a circle, baring its fangs. Otherwise, the clothes were entirely black with hints of gray and purple. They expected me to wear this? I decided to search the clothes more thoroughly, maybe there was something I could use to escape. After a though-ish search I decided there was nothing in the clothes.

 Disappointed, I sat down in the corner and clutched the clothes. After a few minutes of deafening silence I sang the only song that was in my head.       

  "The spider's in the house, sleep sleep, the spider bit the mouse, sleep deep-"

 I sang the song for a while but It could've been an hour or it could've been five minutes and I wouldn't have known the difference. 

Soon after- or, I think soon after, I heard another voice join in on the song. I recognized her voice, it wasn't hard to recognize- it was the voice who had taught me the song. I stopped singing as she walked into sight. She smiled, and I had to remind myself that she was evil.         

  "Harumi," I growled. 

She just smiled brighter. She was wearing the same thing but without the mask so I could see her red makeup.           

 "Oh Lloyd, is that anyway to talk to an old friend?"

 Friend. Sure, like she didn't trick me into thinking we could ever be anything more.         

   "Old friend." I tested out the words, they tasted bitter in my mouth.         

     "Yes Lloyd, old friend. What else would we be?"I had a moment of wishful thinking, before I stopped myself.           

    "Enemies."Harumi frowned and I was tempted to try to make her feel better. If it wasn't obvious, I hadn't gotten over her- not yet.            

     "That's disappointing, I was going to give you a peace offering. You are our guest after all." 

I narrowed my eyes, guest? What did this princess have up her sleeve?            

     "Don't look at me that way, it's a gift. It's not a bomb"She reached into her pocket and grabbed out two small bracelets. They were beautiful. Both were beaded with purple crystals, but one had a red bead in the middle while the other had a green one. Great, now my mind was turning to mush.           

        "Matching bracelets?"I probably imagined it, but I thought I saw her blush. I knew she was going to deny it but hey, wishful thinking.               

       "Yes actually."

If I was blushing before, my face was red now.

 She tossed one of the bracelets into my cell. I would like to say I caught it effortlessly but in reality it slid past me and I had to scramble across the cell to grab it. I was eager to wear green again but when I returned to the bars and looked at it I blushed, I probably looked like a strawberry. I had the red one, Harumi stole my green-       

                  "I don't you to have the satisfaction of wearing green"It would be reasonable, what she said.

 Until I remembered the green patch on the clothes I had been given. I smirked.                        

"Sure. No green for me"

I slipped the bracelet on and I felt different. 

What has changed? I couldn't figure it out. Harumi studied me and for a few moments, we locked eyes. She smiled and flicked a lever beside my cell. I knew it. The patch of concrete wall slid aside and made way into a passage out to the main hallway. I walked out and smiled at Harumi. She started to walk and motioned for me to follow. We walked side by side down the hall. I still clutched the clothes I had been given. 

 "Where's the bathroom? I need to get changed" Harumi smiled and gestured to a door to my left. 

I dipped my head in thanks and opened the door. I quickly changed and my eyes flicked to the mirror. The clothes were soft and felt comfortable for fighting. They looked good too, the clothes seemed to be made for me. Which in retrospect they probably were. I inspected myself in the mirror, adjusting small details of my outfit. I smiled at my reflection when I decided my outfit was acceptable. There was something wrong with my reflection, but I couldn't tell what. I had the same white-blonde hair and the same vibrant purple eyes, I couldn't tell what was different. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out the change. I decided to forget about it. I took my old clothes and stuffed them in the trash. I opened the door and stepped out. I did a runway turn and Harumi clapped sarcastically.              

                 "Marvelous, absolutely stunning." She joked. I smirked and did a small bow.                                      

  "Why thank you madam."

Again, she motioned for me to follow. And together, we made our way down the hall. 

          We arrived at the council room after a few minutes. The others in the room looked at me with different emotions, surprise, fear, anger, and envy. Many of them looked straight into my eyes, that was unnerving. Harumi sat down in the chair at the front of the table and I decided to stand by her.                             

        "My fellow council, I would like you to meet our newest member, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon"


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