Chapter Seven

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Harumi said yes! I fist pumped, walking toward my room. I was still stunned she agreed. 

The Oni Temple was huge so naturally all of the council got their own room. I turned the corner and threw open my room door. It was about the size of my jail cell- my jail cell. Why had I been in a jail cell? 

Hmm, I'll figure it out later cause SHE SAID YES!! 

The walls had crystal shelves with books on them. I felt as if I'd been in the Oni Temple before, but not in this room- at least I don't think.

 The bed was green, matching the small parts of my outfit that wasn't black. I don't remember putting the stuff in my room, but I must've because it was already filled with my belongings. A nightstand stood on the left side of the bed, a purple alarm clock perched on top.

 I shut the door and grinned. I'd like to say I took a deep breath, and calmed down. I did not. Instead, I pranced around my room, squealing.

I panted as I fought the training dummy, sweat trickled down my face. 

My thoughts kept circling back to our last attack on Ninjago. That red ninja had been almost easy to take down.

 Were they trying to trick us? To make us think they can't fight? Either way, I wanted to be ready. In four days we would meet on top of Borg Tower. Or was it three days now? 

Eh, I was still going to train. My mind made a connection and I realized my date night was one day away from the battle. 

Man- I hope I don't screw it up. That would be very awkward fighting together. 

I summoned some of my powers, blasting a purple ball of energy at the dummy. Wait- where did I get my powers? Wasn't it something to do with the ninja? 

I blasted the dummy again, trying to blast away the thought. I had never met the ninja, other than that fire one, I couldn't have gotten my powers from them. 

I kept fighting while my thoughts spun, I felt like I was in a museum full of my memories and some of the paintings had been stolen. 

Why were my memories playing keep away? Whatever the reason, I tried not to focus on it.

 Instead of being alone, I now had a colleague fighting a dummy beside me. Pythor struck and bit the dummy's rubber head (was it rubber? It sure felt like it). 

I felt like I'd met the serpentine before meeting him on the council. His white scales gleamed and I saw a glimpse of shining purple scales. 

Believe me when I say it was deja vu. I think it was one of those memories that had been stolen away. I had a brief moment of thought before asking,

"Didn't you used to be purple?"

I probably was going insane but it never hurt asking. The Anacondrai swiveled his long neck to face me. Pythor had this look on his scaly face that I couldn't read. Was it fear or amusement?

"Yes actually, I didn't know you knew that."He responded, his tongue scenting the air. 

I searched my mind for when he had purple scales. I remembered something about a giant snake but I wasn't sure my memories were reliable.

"When?"I asked, punching the dummy's head.

Pythor did the same, punching his own dummy.

"Before the Great Devourer"He replied.

 I didn't know exactly what to say. I remembered that name. I knew what had happened that day, but I didn't know how. I didn't even know how to describe it. Like, if you've ever read a history book, you know what happened and how but you weren't actually there. Huh, that actually described it pretty well. Good job me.

"Did the Great Devourer suck the pigment from your scales?"

I joked, blasting another ball of energy at the dummy. Pythor let out a hiss before answering.

"Yes, the beast swallowed me whole and bleached my scales."

My eyes widened and I was starting to wonder if my mind wasn't so faulty after all.

"How did you even survive?"

Pythor hissed again, looking peeved.

"I have no idea, that old hag Wu survived it as well. If I knew you'd ask so many questions I would've brought candy. Candy always shut you up."

Woah woah woah, wait. How did Pythor know I loved candy? What did he mean by "candy always shut you up."? When did he know me before the council? And who the heck was Wu? I knew I looked perplexed when Pythor chuckled.

"Nothing, just- keep training. You're getting better"

He then slithered away. Man, my head hurt. I was getting better? When did he see me fight? I didn't do hand to hand combat nor did I use my powers in the last fight. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to fix my blurry vision. My ears were ringing and Harumi's bracelet felt like it was cutting off my circulation.

"hey greeny, you alright?"

I tried to see the council member but I felt my consciousness slip away.

Then I woke up in my bed. What? I had fainted, right? How did I get from the training room to my room? I sat up, and scanned the room. The Mechanic was leaning against my dresser, tinkering with his mechanical arm.

"You alright?" He asked, "ya fainted while training. Get enough water?"

To be honest I wasn't the most excited to be with the cyborg. But he was my best bet for answers. Mr. F couldn't talk, Asphera only rambled on about revenge, Vanglis seemed to have his own agenda, and Pythor was no help.. I supposed I could ask Harumi- but I don't want to make her annoyed.

"Yeah. . . I'm good," I assured him, "just got a little light headed"

The Mechanic chuckled and walked toward me. He held out his hand and pulled me from my bed.

"A little? Passing out isn't a little. Thank goodness for those spiders though, I didn't want to drag you back here."

"Yeah, well I think I got too much deja vu' in one minute."

The Mechanic nodded, as if this made sense. He walked out of my room and I followed him, glancing at the clock on my way out. 

Man, we were already late for the council meeting. Together, we headed for the council room to plan our next attack.


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