Chapter Twenty

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I awoke to light in my eyes, the one spot of sky the blinds didn't cover. It wasn't too bright outside, but the darkness and buildings couldn't stop the rising sun from blinding me. 

I sat up, wiping my eyes in an effort to return my vision back to normal. I hadn't slept very well but I still had to get up. I was used to waking up early and unrested anyway, I was a ninja and even before that I'd woken up early to help around the junkyard. 

I shifted out of bed and got dressed in the bathroom (One of the downsides of sharing a room). I started stretching, reaching my arms up and out. Shifting, I lowered myself down into a lunge.

Immediately I regretted it, pain coursing out from my leg. I fell sideways and onto the floor, hands grasping my wound. I grimaced and rolled up my pant leg. 

Zane and Pixal had already treated the wound and to be honest, I don't even know what they did. The wound was covered with some sort of cloth dipped in ointment, a weird layer of plastic glued over it and onto my skin. It looked awful, the cloth was a sickening shade of yellow with a pool of blood so concentrated that it looked black. 

A wave of nausea passed through me and I quickly looked away and pulled my pant leg down. Don't get me wrong, I'm a ninja and have had to deal with tons of blood and sickening wounds, but that doesn't mean I'm immune to it. I could practically feel Asphera's spear being twisted into my thigh.

I took deep breaths before trying to stand. Maybe I'd avoid stretching- just for one more day. I steadied myself and took a step, one after another before the pain in my leg dimmed to a slightly less painful state. 

I sighed and forced my mind to get my priorities straight. Training, my mind reminded me, I still have to train, even if we don't have the right equipment. I mean, I grew up in a junkyard, I could scrap together a pull up bar, a few weights, and maybe a few dummies if we had the right tools.

"Kai" I said, glancing at the wall clock "wake up, it's almost 7'o clock."

To most people, waking up at 6:30 is annoying. Not to say it isn't annoying, but we're ninja, we get used to it. I walked over to the window and opened the blinds, sunlight flooding the room. I expected a groan, maybe a pillow thrown at me. But no, it was silent and no pillows hit my face. I got worried.

"Kai?" I asked, "you alive?"

No response.



"Kai, if you're dead I'm gonna kill you."

I walked over to his bed and yanked off the covers. Where my brother in law should be, was empty. No Kai in sight. I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm gonna kill him."

My mind wandered back to something Master Wu had told us when we first arrived here: "Just because we're in a new place, does not change anything. Room 450 at 7'o clock. Don't be late." I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the walkway.

 It didn't take long for me to find room 450, it was just down two doors to my left. I knocked, it took a second but Pixal soon opened the door. She smiled and let me in, closing the door behind me.

"Look who finally arrived!" Cole said, gesturing toward me.

I glanced at the clock; 6:50, I wasn't late. In fact, I was early.

"Ha ha, " I said halfheartedly. "Just blame Kai, he didn't wake me."

I scanned the room, looking for him. But- he wasn't there. The only people in the room were me, Pixal, Zane, and Cole.

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