Chapter Eight

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"Are you sure this is mandatory?" I grumbled as Asphera brushed my hair.

Now, I should explain what's going on.

 In one hour I have to go to Chen's Noodle House for my date with Lloyd. Now, I had been shocked by Asphera bursting into my room minutes before, demanding she help me get ready.

"Yesss!" Asphera hissed, tugging the brush through my hair again, "You cannot wear your hair like you alwaysss do"

I grumbled, trying to bat the serpentine's brush away from my hair. I had never thought of Ashephera as a girly type, she was far from it. 

However, she insisted I looked nice for tonight. I never liked my hair up, nor did I like dresses, too hard to fight in.

My mind spiraled, trying to figure out if i'm able to somehow back out. My hair was tugged again and I scowled, trying to ignore the pain.

 I found myself scripting out ways to stop Asphera from sticking me in dresses. I didn't have dresses in my closet, I assured myself, If Asphera had any I doubt they would fit me.

What do I say to Lloyd on our way there, or even when we are there, what do I do? UGH. My mind couldn't even figure out what to be stressed about! Dresses or Lloyd, not to even mention the attack we have planned for tomorrow.

"Now, black or green?"

Asphrea had finally put down the brush and now held two dresses.

"Where did you get those? And when did you finish with my hair?"

I slipped back into reality and was amazed at my reflection. Deja Vu' was an understatement. My hair was done exactly like I used to wear it, in a chopstick bun. I still wore my red makeup, which Asphera had thankfully not touched. In the mirror I saw Asphera shrug, and smile.

"I have my waysss," she said, "Now just ansssswer the quessstion"

I grumbled and turned around to better see the dresses. I sighed in relief, one of them was a jumpsuit, at least I now had an option that wasn't a dress. 

The dress was a shocking resemblance to my dress from the first time I met Lloyd. The jumpsuit, on the other hand, was a black with purple trim. I thought for a moment before pointing.

"That one," I announced.

Asphera nodded before setting the clothes on my bed and slithering off. She grinned and shut the door behind her.

By the time me and Lloyd arrived at the noodle house it was 7:30. 

Getting places without getting attention drawn from the green ninja was hard. Thankfully, he wasn't wearing green, so five less people recognized him. 

We sat down at a corner table, hopefully less people would spot him, or me for that matter. I slid into the seat, having to tuck my dress under my legs. And yes,  I did go with the green.

 I kinda wanted to see what Lloyd's crystalized mind would do with this information. He slid in across from me, smiling and starry eyed. 

Ugh, can he stop making that expression? My makeup wouldn't be the only thing turning my face red. Not that I liked him, he just had the expression of a child and it made me feel guilty. 

So stop making the soul crushing expression Lloyd! 

Sadly, my inner rantings did nothing against Lloyd's face. He looked similar to the day when he asked me out, except he wore a tux instead of his fighting tunic. 

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