Chapter Twelve

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I stood on my balcony getting soaked in the rain. I had been out there so long that my hair was flat on my head. For once I didn't care. 

All that was in my mind is everything that has happened: Lloyd disappearing, My legs being injured, my slow recovery, then finding out Harumi was back, then finding out Harumi had turned Lloyd against us, Cole being kidnapped and now how I had treated Skylor. 

That was the thing I regretted the most. I shouldn't have acted how I did. Maybe if I had been more understanding and tried to see where she was coming from she would still be here. The sad thing is, she was right. 

Everything she had said to me was true. Sure I was a ninja but so were Nya and Jay and they still found time to spend together. I decided I needed to get my mind off these thoughts or it would only destroy me inside. 

I decided to take a shower and get in fresh clothes. Then I headed for Nya's room. I could walk normally now but I had to take my training slowly. I figured that's what Nya would have to do. I sat there pondering these things for a while before I heard a crash from outside. Nya's room door slid open in front of me.

"Oh hi" she said shocked

"Hi....." I said looking down the hall

"What are you looking at?" she asked

"Did you hear that crash?" I asked and Nya nodded just then Jay and Zane poked their heads out of Jay's room door.

"Did you guys hear that?" Jay asked both me and Nya nodded.

"Let's check it out" I said and the four of us headed outside.

When we were about inches from the front door. I heard voices two very familiar voices

"You're so annoying, would you stop it!"

"You know I do have elemental powers and I could shoot you into the sky."

"Oh I'm so scared. Harmui would hunt you down and destroy you if you did that!"

"Yeah right, like she cares about you."

"She does too!"

"Uh Huh. Come on, I'm taking you inside then from there me and the team will figure something out."

"Ew I am not going in there"

"Yes you are, come on." I looked at the team and all of our faces lit up. Nya pushed open the door to reveal Cole dragging a Crylized Lloyd by the collar of his shirt.

"COLE!" We all shouted in unison.

"Hey what's up team. Miss me?" He asked, we group hugged and Lloyd sat on the floor with his arms folded across his chest and he was wearing his grumpiest face possible.

"So he's not back to normal yet is he?" I asked when Cole shook his head. I felt my heart sink in disappointment.

"I know how we can change him back though." Cole said and I looked up at Cole. He must have seen the hope in my eyes because he smiled at me. "Let's head inside and get our old friend back" Cole said putting his arm around my shoulder then he picked Lloyd back up by his collar and dragged him inside.

The team gathered in the living room. I looked around and I felt like we were missing someone. No we have six....Six finally we have six ninja back in the same room. Ignoring the thought that we were missing someone I was just happy the team was all in one room. Even if some of them were not themselves.

"Alright so what do we gotta do?" I said bringing everyone's attention back together.

"Okay, I figured out that Harmui makes these bracelets. I don't know what they're made out of but I do know they do change you. I think that's how Lloyd is being controlled. He also has a bracelet but I can't get it off him." Cole said and everyone nodded, probably thinking on how they could get the bracelet off-at least that's what I was doing-I looked at Lloyd who was slumped grumpily on the couch.

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