Chapter Four

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I knelt at Kai's bed side. His breathing had steadied but he was still out cold. We had bandaged his legs but Zane said he had a few broken bones in both legs. I had been by him ever since we had gotten back to the Monastery. We had managed to clear all of the spiders away from the city but Jay, Pixel and Cole had stayed behind to help clean up. Zane and Skylor had chosen to come with me to help with Kai. I didn't know how long it had been but I figured I had been with Kai for a couple of hours. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come on" I muttered.

"Hey you, I'm back" I turned to see Jay closing the door behind him. His normally bright blue tunic was now burned in some places and he had a smudge of smoke on his cheek. I thought it made him look kinda of cute. I stood up and walked over to him. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then he hugged me and I collapsed into him and we held our hug for a while until I finally decided to pull away.

"How is he?" Jay whispered. I turned to look at my brother who was in a deep peaceful sleep. I wish I could be asleep right now, I thought. But I knew as soon as Kai woke up I wouldn't want to be in his position. Just thinking about how much pain he would be in when he woke up made my eyes fill with tears.

"He's just been sleeping," I sighed, blinking away the tears.

"Here let's talk out here" Jay suggested. I didn't want to leave the room but I followed Jay out.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"It was fine, we managed to clean everything up," Jay said and I nodded. "But Nya we found this near the statue." Jay pulled out a little piece of paper and handed it to me. It was a picture, I gasped when I saw it. Tears filled my eyes.

"Where did you find it?" I asked.

"Under the statute. We found it soon after you had left with Kai, so we figured it was his." Jay said. The picture was of our family. My mom was taller with long black hair and she was wearing a light blue tunic, my dad was a little taller than my mom. He had dark brown hair that was spiked in the front. He wore a red tunic with the fire emblem on it. Standing in front of my parents was a little boy who I figured was Kai. Younger Kai had a few freckles across his nose but he still had his brown spiky hair. My mom was holding a little girl and she was wrapped in a bright blue blanket. The little girl had black hair sticking out of the blacket and she was giving the camera a bright baby smile. I knew the baby was me, it had to be.

"Where did he get this?" I asked looking up at Jay. I had never seen this picture before. I had only seen paintings of only my parents.

"I don't know," Jay sighed. I nodded, then I handed the picture back to him. "Why are you giving back? You should keep it" Jay said. "Give it back to Kai when he wakes up" I nodded and slipped the picture into my pocket.

"I should go back in there" I was heading for Kai's door.

"Nya, Skylor told me you haven't come out since you guys got back." Jay said. I didn't look at him.

"Yea, Why?" I asked him, still not turning to face him.

"I just thought maybe you would want to go do something" Jay said. I sighed.

"I'm sorry Jay but right now Kai is my top priority" I said and I opened Kai's door.

"Ya right okay" Jay muttered.

"It's just he's really the only family I have right now. I rarely see my parents. If I were to lose him. I–I don't know what I would do. I'm sorry" I said, starting to open the door. I did feel bad turning him down. Ever since I had gotten back to my almost normal self we barely had had time to do anything just the two of us. But what should you expect once we have one great victory we are thrown into another battle. That's what life as a ninja is like. Jay didn't respond so I walked into Kai's room and sat back down in the chair next to his bed. I buried my head in my hands and felt tears stream down my face. Now I needed a pep talk. Of course when I needed my older brother he wasn't here to help me. I probably cried for a few minutes before I felt movement from the bed. I looked up to see Kai's eyes fluttering open. I gasped and stood up.

"Kai!" I said. He didn't look at me. He stayed staring at the ceiling as if in a trance.

"Lloyd..." He muttered. Had he said Lloyd? I thought.

"What?" I asked.

"Lloyd..." He muttered. "It was him. It was really him" He said, still staring at the ceiling. I was so confused. Was he hallucinating? It wouldn't have been the first time if he was.

"Kai, you just need to rest," I said, panic rising in me. Honestly his behavior was scaring me.

"I can't believe he would do that, we need to save him," Kai said.

"What? Kai, what are you talking about?" I asked but it was no use. Slowly Kai's eyes were closing again.

"Lloyd..." He whispered. I knew he had slipped back into a deep sleep, but I couldn't stop worrying about what he had said. Had something happened before the statue had fallen. What was that about Lloyd? Was he okay? He had said we needed to save him? But..... A million thoughts crowded my brain until my head started to hurt. I sighed and decided I needed to tell the team about what had happened. But I couldn't leave Kai, what if he woke up again. I can tell them later I decided. I sat back down in the chair and pulled my hair out of my ponytail. My hair drifted down my shoulders and until then I hadn't realized how bad my ponytails hurt. For some reason my thoughts trailed to my parents. I pulled out the picture Jay had given me. Then I looked up at Kai.

"Where did you get this dear brother?" I said aloud knowing he couldn't hear me. I looked at the picture for a while. What would they do if they were here? I thought. Again my head began to hurt so I put the picture back in my pocket and then stood up and headed to Kai's balcony. The sun felt good on my face when I stepped out into it. My thoughts still did not clear but it calmed them a little. Everything is going to be okay. I thought, We've gotten out of tough spots like this before and we can do it again. I may not be the same Nya I was before but I am still going to protect Ninjago city and its people, because that's my duty and destiny as a ninja and I will do anything I need to do to keep my friends and family safe.


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