Chapter Ten, Part Four

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This chapter has come early for one reason: 1k. We have gotten over a thousand reads on this book. so 'thank you's all around! You guys are awesome and  OceanCookie and I  hope you guys enjoy the rest of the book! and once again, thank you for all the support!


I had never seen the ninja look more defeated then how they did now. 

It had been fifteen minutes since we had arrived back at the Monastery. I was bored out of my mind. I was laying on the living room couch watching the ceiling fan spin slowly above me. My thoughts were spinning with it. 

Zane and Pixal were fixing up Nya and Jay. I had no idea where Kai had gone. I had seen him get off the bounty but then he had disappeared. 

Zane had wrapped a bandage around my chest and he had given me some pain meds to help numb the pain but it hadn't taken it away fully. I wasn't terribly injured but it had hurt to walk a bit. I wanted to get up and find Kai and talk to him. He had been silent the whole way back to the Monastery; it was honestly worrying. 

But I couldn't blame him, I couldn't blame any of the ninja for feeling sad. They had all been through so much lately. I couldn't really make sense of it either. 

Harmui had done something to Lloyd to make him act the way he was acting. What had made him act like the way he did. He was all "evil this" and "evil that." 

My mind never stayed on one concept or one question for too long. As soon as I asked myself one question I could never think of the answer because my mind would drift to another question. I groaned and put my hands on my head then I threw them down on the couch violently.

"You okay?" I heard a voice say. I tried to crane my neck over the couch but I still couldn't see who had spoken.

"No," I groaned. Kai came around the couch and sat down on the little stool Zane had sat in when he was bandaging me up.

"I feel that," Kai sighed. He didn't meet my eyes though. I pushed myself up to a sitting position. I bite my tongue to keep me from crying out in pain. By the time I was in a comfortable sitting position I was breathing hard. "You good?" Kai asked

"Yea I'm fine" I said smiling at him. "Are you good?" I asked. I could see worry etched in his face. Or was it sadness, or was it anger, I couldn't tell.

"No, I guess not," Kai said.

"What's up?" I asked. Kai took a deep breath and then looked up to meet my eyes.

"Everything I guess. I feel like this has gone way out of hand. We don't know who the Crystal King even is and yet this is probably going to be the biggest trial ever. We are all injured, Cole's gone, Harmui's back, Lloyd's on their side, and about all of the baddest villains ever have come back. Can it get any worse?" I didn't know what to say. I was worried that this is what he had wanted to talk about.

"Kai I know how hopeless it seems right now but trust me it will get better we will get through this" I said. Kai's face contorted in rage. He got to his feet fast.

"Don't say it will get better! Because it won't! At least not right now!" He yelled. I was speechless. I had never heard Kai yell directly at me.

"Kai?" I asked to sit up more.

"I think it's best you just leave," Kai said, looking away from me.

"What?" I asked

"You should leave. Us ninja can take care of this ourselves" He walked to the door and opened it a little.

"Kai?" I asked again. When he didn't respond I forced myself to stand up. It hurt but not too bad. "Fine! If you're kicking me out then we're done!" I shouted. Kai stopped and turned around to face me.

"What?" He asked

"Kai I can't do this anymore!" I shouted and I walked around the couch and got right up in his face. I poked him in the chest and through tears I said "you running off to try and save the world and then when you fail you come back a sulk. You don't try to get back up and when I try to help you shove me away." 

I saw a silent tear roll down Kai's face. For once I didn't care if I made him cry. I was done trying to help him if he wouldn't take my help. Sure he had come to my rescue on the top of Borg tower. But I knew as soon as Kai had seen Lloyd his mission had changed from saving me to saving Lloyd.

"Skylor I...." Kai stammered but I cut him off.

"No! Don't say you're sorry, Don't say that's not true because you know full well that it's true. I'm done. I'm leavening" I took a step back from him and I opened the door up a bit more.

 Tears were still streaming down my face. But I didn't stop them. The pain in my chest had subsided. I almost forgot I was injured. I was so focused on my feelings.

 "Don't come after me, don't talk to me, and don't contact me when you're in a tight spot because I won't be there to help." I stepped through the door and started to close it. "Good luck, hope you get Lloyd back" I muttered and with that I closed the living room door and headed for the front door. Master Wu was sitting on the front steps avoiding the rain that was pouring outside.

"Skylor, where are you going? Healed already?" He asked.

 I didn't turn around. I didn't want him to see me crying. But I wiped my eyes and turned around with a fake smile on my face. The rain was cold in my skin. But I didn't care, I wiped my face in case the rain on it made it look like I was crying.

"Yea I'm headed home" I sighed. Master Wu nodded.

"Will you be back?" Wu asked. Tears formed in my eyes.

"No, I don't think I will," I said. Wu frowned at me. I turned my back and headed for the front doors. When I got there I turned back around to face Wu. "Thanks for everything." I said, tears still running down my face. Wu smiled at me.

"Your welcome, Skylor. Good luck out there." I smiled at him and then I closed the big doors and headed down the million steps.

 I couldn't see the bottom because of how high up I was.When I was half way down I turned around and looked up at the Monastery. This was really a goodbye wasn't it I thought. I hate goodbyes, goodbyes we're just a reminder that it was over. Goodbyes just made everything so real. 

When I had to say goodbye to my dad it made it real that I would never see him again. When I had had to say goodbye to the island I had grown up on it had made me realize that I would never be back there. Now looking at the Monastery made me realize I might never be back. Goodbye ninja thanks for everything I thought. 

Then I turned my back on the Monastery and trudged down the rest of the stairs fully aware that I would never be back.


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