Chapter Fourteen

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I was just finishing up my last bit of cleaning before heading home. Today had been busy but I like it when it's busy. It keeps my mind off past events. The last few days have been....crazy to say the least.

 I finished cleaning off the tables and locking all the doors. Then I turned out all the lights and started on my walk back to my apartment. I hadn't gotten very far when I heard a voice call my name from behind me.

"Skylor!" I wheeled around fast to see Kai running towards me. I turned back around and started to walk again. 

"Skylor, wait up!" He called but I didn't stop. "Skylor!" He shouted again and finally I lost it. I turned around fast which startled him. He took a few steps back looking shocked.

"What!" I shouted "What do you want! I thought I told you to never talk to me again yet here you are chasing me down and for what so you can APOLOGIZE" I scoffed "NO! NO, I won't take your apology." 

When I was done speaking I found myself face to face with him. He still looked shocked but I could see pain and sadness in his eyes. 

Why should I care though? I asked myself He's the one who broke MY HEART. I shouldn't care about his feelings anymore then he cares about mine. 

I backed up out of his face and whipped around so fast my red ponytail smacked him across the face. Then I ran away fast with tears streaming down my cheeks.

I didn't stop running until I reached my apartment. I ran up the stairs to my floor, unlocked the door, hung my bag up, and then I slumped against the door. I buried my head in my knees and let the tears fall down my face. 

Sure I hated Kai for the way he had treated me that night but I was sad our relationship was over. But at the same time I was so flipping angry at him. The way he had treated me just got on my nerves so bad. He had literally told me to leave right after I had tried to comfort him. 

UGH! Why do boys and feelings and everything else about a relationship have to be SO COMPLICATED! I thought to myself. 

I didn't know how long I sat against the door for but I finally decided to get up and fix myself something to eat. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. After I got myself dinner I went out to my little balcony and looked into the night sky. 

It was beautiful. I always loved looking at the stars. I would look for constellations or I would look for different colored stars. Looking at the night sky brought a memory to mind. After curfew at the Monestary me and Kai would sneak up to the roof and look at the stars until we feel asleep.

 Another tear rolled down my face as I thought about all the good times we had had together. We wouldn't make anymore good memories though. Those day are over, I thought.

Suddenly a black cat jumped down-from who knows where-and landed on the railing.

"Aw, aren't you a cutie?" I said picking the cat up and petting it, looking out into the city.

"Jinx you are in soooo much trouble I-" a voice sounded from behind me. 

I whipped around to see Harumi standing up and brushing herself off. Then I realized something, I looked down at the black car I was holding then I looked back up to Harumi.

"Is this your cat?" I asked and when she didn't respond I dropped the cat and Harumi hurriedly picked it up.

"Since when did you like cats?" I asked

"Since when did I not like cats?" Harumi snapped back

"How did you even find me?" I asked a million questions began to form in my mind.

"I heard your little fight and decided to follow you." Harumi said

"You heard that?" I asked embarrassed. I know my cheeks probably turned pink. Harmui gave me a smile

"Who didn't?" She said, still smiling at me.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked

"Oh you know, I thought I could help you. You know I know what feelings you're going through" she said, giving me a sly smile.

"No you don't" I said, turning away from her. I felt her step up to me and I knew she was looking at me so I finally looked at her.

"I can help you" she said, then she reached into her pocket and pulled out an orange and purple jeweled bracelet. I gasped at the sight.

"It's beautiful," I said. Harumi let me take it and I looked at it closer taking in its beauty.

"You can have it, I have tons" Harumi said

"Thanks" I said and I slipped it on. My vision suddenly went blurry for a split second then it cleared. "Woah" I said gripping the railing

"What's wrong?" Harumi asked

"Nothing" I said but I was unsure of that. 

Was there something wrong? I thought to myself. No, No everything is fine. This is how it's supposed to be. I assured myself

"It looks great on you," Harumi said, nodding her head at the bracelet. 

I looked down at it. It did indeed look great on me.

"Care to join me. I need to finish waking Jinx" Harumi said. I looked around still very confused on what was different. Something was different but I couldn't figure out what.

"Sure, but where are we?" I asked,

"Oh we were walking Jinx and you said you need to grab something at your house so we came here but then got distracted talking on the balcony about love lives- don't you remember?" she asked.

 I thought about it and for some reason I did remember that. Weird, I thought.

"Right yea I remember" I said with confidence Harumi smiled at me, "lets keep going" 

"It is getting late, we should head back to base. Lloyd will probably be worried" Harumi said, rolling her eyes when she said the last part. 

I laughed but for some reason my laugh sounded bitter and cold. But that is how it's supposed to be right. My laugh has always sounded like that. There's nothing to worry about, everything is fine. I thought reassuring myself that nothing was wrong. I

 looked down at the bracelet Harumi had given me. It sparkled- but it was also very itchy and a little uncomfortable. I reached down to slip it off but Harumi's voice stopped me.

"Come on, we better hurry. Jinx looks like he can't take another step." Harumi laughed and I just smiled at her. "You coming?" she asked when I didn't follow her. 

I looked up from the bracelet and smiled at her.

"Yea, yea i'm coming"   


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