Chapter Ten, Part Two

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WARNING: blood included in this part, viewer discretion advised.

The reaction of the ninja was priceless. The look of fear, denial, and shock on their faces made me grin evilly. 

The amount of reaction I got sparked a question in my brain: Was I that scary? My answer: Heck yeah! I was a terrifying, butt-kicking, elemental master of- of- What was I master of? Purple?

 Doesn't matter because I was about to destroy these guys. The blue ninja sparked his powers, holding lighting in his hands. The nindroid summoned a small amount of ice in his hands, getting ready to freeze his attackers. The earth ninja's hands started to glow orange and a small scar shimmered on his forehead.

"No." The red ninja stated, "This is fake! This- this. He- I- No!"

Harumi looked thrilled and I felt the same way. I realized I was laughing, truly laughing. I don't know how long it's been since the last time I laughed, but I felt elated. The black ninja looked appalled.

"Lloyd!" He growled, "what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm destroying you guys, your friend here"- I jabbed my finger at Skylor- "And all of Ninjago"

The girl ninja stepped forward, steaming with anger.

"Harumi- You will pay for this." She threatened, "And you won't die, no;  you'll be sent to prison and rot there. Forever and always."

Hey wait- why did she threaten Harumi and not me? I'm threat-worthy. I opened my mouth to speak, the ninja seemed ready to attack. 

I summoned my power to intimidate them when the fire ninja jumped in front of me, arms spread, facing the rest of the ninja.

"We can't hurt him!" He announced, "he's still Lloyd."

Still Lloyd? Yeah I'm still Lloyd- same as I've always been: Evil, powerful, devious, handsome, crystal-powered Lloyd. Crystal-powered, that was the perfect way to describe my purple powers!

"Hey Blazey!" I taunted, "You trying to protect me? Want to help me and my girl destroy Ninjago?"

"What?" He asked, appalled, "NO! I would never-"

"Well then-" I cut him off, "Get out of my way."

I summoned my power and blasted him in the back, knocking him face first into the concrete. The other ninja scrambled to come and help him. 

That's when The Mechanic had had enough. He sprang forward, attacking the titanium nindroid. The ninja was tackled to the ground and "Zane The Pain" (as The Mechanic called him) blasted ice, knocking him off. 

Asphera grinned and slithered over to the blue ninja, punching him in the gut. Harumi unsheathed a dagger and launched herself at the girl ninja, who frantically scrambled for her spear on the ground.

 Vangelis spread his wings and flung himself at the earth ninja, who had already grabbed his hammer off the ground. Pythor flung Skylor onto the floor and she cradled her ribs. 

All the ninja were either fighting someone else or lying on the concrete in pain. Me, Pythor, and Mr.F were left out of the fighting. Pythor hissed something to Mr.F and the nindroid nodded, they both raced to the flying beasts we took here and flew off. 

It took me a moment before realizing they were off to get the weapons. I stood for a depressing second, just watching the others fight. 

Harumi caught my eye and smiled, using her blade to swipe the ninja's spear away from her. I should help her, even if she doesn't need help. That's what a good boyfriend would do right? Yeah, and she had called me her boyfriend on our date...

Needless to say I drew my sword and sliced the ninja's shoulder. She cried out in pain and wheeled around, racking the side of my left leg. I winced and gripped my sword, the look of horror on her face gave me happiness. 

Harumi took this opportunity to stab her dagger into the back of the water ninja's leg. She cried out in pain and dropped to the floor causing Skylor, who had gotten to her feet, to rush over and protect her. 

Harumi didn't bother wiping the blood from her dagger, she just sheathed it and smiled. Skylor quickly realized we had better things to do and started to help the girl. 

Harumi unsheathed her dagger again and threw it at the earth ninja, the knife grasing his upper arm and burying itself into the wall behind him. 

Harumi eyed me and I got the message, he was the target today.


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