Chapter Three

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The plan had worked perfectly. 

Almost too perfectly and I wondered for a brief moment if Lloyd was faking it. No, I knew he wasn't faking. 

For one thing, Lloyd's vibrant green eyes were purple. And the fact that he had done some very un-Lloyd things, like killing the fire ninja (unless he survived, which I doubt it) and the runway turn he had taken in the hall. 

Well, maybe the runway turn wasn't un-Lloyd. Maybe I just didn't know him all that well. 

Either way, all was going according to plan: the spiders come in, cause destruction- the ninja rush to save their precious city- and we scare the socks off them with Crystalized Lloyd. I picked up a green dart off my desk and threw it at the dart board.

 I like to call it my ninja board, since the ninja's faces were taped to the board. Extra points for hitting the green ninja. 

My room wasn't the nicest thing-  but it was what I had to make due with, since the building collapse- well, the second one. 

It was about the same size as Lloyd's cell, and his current room. With a wood desk and nightstand, a rather small closet, a mirror, and a red bed. 

I sat on the edge of my bed, trying to formulate another plan in my head. Yes, I didn't make most of the plans since the King's were perfect- but I had managed to stop him from using Lloyd as blackmail and crystalizing him instead.

 My mind decided it was going to be mush today, liquifying wherever I needed it. 

Maybe my mind was too happy after watching the statue falling on Kai; Lloyd doing nothing about it. My liquefied brain had apparently only allowed the thinking of Lloyd today. 

My question was simple: WHY? Why did my train of thought lead back to him? 

An answer tugged at my mind. Ignoring it,  I decided because he was my enemy, and having him basically my servant was exhilarating. I

 flopped backwards on my bed. Yes, the fight had been easy and we won so simply- but my arms and legs were still sore. Sore from what you may ask?

 Oh ya know, just running and jumping across roofs, fighting that earth ninja without being seen. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a quick cat nap.

I awoke to the sound of knocking. 

I blinked a few times, trying to force myself to stand. I quickly adjusted my red makeup before opening the door. I half expected it to be one of the councils, wondering about our next attack plans. They were a council member alright, but it was obvious they weren't here to talk battle strategy. 

Lloyd stood at the door, his usually messy white-blonde hair was brushed back, and he was clutching a rose in his hand. 

My heart nearly stopped beating and I had to remind it how stupid this guy was. He wasn't even that cute. 

Okay, that was a lie- anyone who had met Lloyd would know he could not be described as not cute.


I snapped, trying to look annoyed. Lloyd smiled, his purple eyes simmering in the light.

"Ya know, I was wondering- why haven't I done this before?"

I glowered at him, trying to get him to leave or shut up at least. He just smiled brighter.

"Why haven't you what? Died? Yeah I wonder the same thing daily"

"Agreed- but what I meant was why haven't I asked you out before"

My heart definitely sped up. 

Multiple answers filled my mind: One, Lloyd and I were on separate sides of this whole good vs evil thing. Two, I never loved Lloyd, he seemed to trip himself up while flirting. Three, After finding out that I was the Quiet One, he had insulted me directly multiple times, and Four, Lloyd's emotions were too easy to toy with. 

The list went on and on in my head. I fiddled with my bracelet, trying to look as if I was contemplating his offer. 

No, that was the obvious answer. Even if Crystalized Lloyd was different, I still wouldn't open myself to that possibility. 

My answer was no. Say no.

"Sure, why not"

I silently cursed myself. The worst part? Lloyd's face lit up and I probably blushed.

"Great!" He handed me the rose, "How about Saturday? Seven PM, at Chen's Noodles?"

I should probably say that it was Tuesday. Really? Three days to get ready? 

Wait. What was I thinking? I tried to say no in the first place, how did I get a date for Saturday? However it happened I had heard myself agree so it was set in stone.

"I'll see ya then"

He waved and walked away. I immediately shut the door and faceplated on my bed.

What. The. Heck. How did that happen? 

I felt a pit in my stomach as I realized I would have to explain this to the Crystal King, if he hadn't already seen it through his little minions.

 I blindly reached for my pillow, my head not budging from the mattress. I grabbed the pillow and pulled it toward me. I lifted my head slightly and stuffed it under.

 Lloyd's bracelet fit perfectly, but now it felt as if it was cutting off my circulation. I still clutched the rose with my right hand, wondering how Lloyd had found a thornless one. 

I screamed into my pillow, hoping no one else heard. What was wrong with me? I didn't even like the guy. 

Sure Harumi, I had thought, go on a date with a guy who you've tried to kill- multiple times.

 I groaned and wondered if I could like- cancel the date? I stood and glared at the rose as if it was the reason I was in this mess. I stuck the flower on my dresser and picked up another dart.

 I aimed for Lloyds face and chucked it, the dart flew and landed on Nya's eye. Great, now my aim was off. 

And that Nya girl- hadn't she disappeared? Yes, she had died defeating that sea serpent. 

But now she was back- and wasn't she powerless? I'd have to ask Lloyd later. UGH, why do all my thoughts lead back to him?

 Maybe the date would be a good thing, I thought, more time to get intel on the ninja. With this newfound plan, I smiled. 

My newfound plan was shockingly similar to the one I used with the Sons Of Garmadon: Make Lloyd fall in love with me so he won't suspect I'm the Quiet One and get intel from the ninja.

 Except- Lloyd was probably already in love with me and he knows I'm the Quiet One- so really it was only kind of similar. 

I took a deep breath in and steadied my thoughts. I decided a council meeting would be appropriate, to discuss our next course of action. 

I dusted off my black clothing and touched up my red makeup that had gotten smeared during my mental breakdown. I opened my door and walked out.


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