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THE ROGUE PRINCE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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113 AC, Dragonstone

Ānogara soared above the clouds and time after time, Valyria threw a glance over her shoulder, making sure that Syrax could keep up with the larger and faster dragon. But then when she saw Dragonstone, she decided to have some fun. The fog laid thick but she could see figures standing on the stone stairs leading up to the castle.

Therefore, she commanded her dragon to fly down and Ānogara immediately took the hint and dived down from the clouds and fog, towards the men on the bridge. At the same time as the red dragon came into view, she let out a loud roar, startling every single person whose attention shifted to the quickly approaching beast. Then at the last second, Ānogara flew up again, her tail almost knocking a few people over in the process.

"Good girl," Valyria praised her dragon as she flew up towards the castle of Dragonstone and landed on Daemon's side of the bridge. Her dragon was technically too large to fit there, not like how Syrax and Rhaenyra easily could land without any damage. Anogara's landing made a few men stagger at the vibrations while parts of the stone construction crumbled. Caraxes who sat a bit away shrieked at the arrival of another dragon but made no further move than that.

Smoothly, Valyria slid down Ānogara's wing, all attention on her as she slowly walked down to where Otto and Daemon were having their little standoff. Men of the City Watch parted ways for the Princess who held her head high, an almost bored expression on her face. Without even throwing Daemon a glance, she walked past him and over to the King's party.

"Someone might want to fix that. It could be dangerous," Valyria said, motioning towards the damage on the stone bridge.

"What are you two doing here, Princess?" Otto Hightower whispered.

"The King sent me here to prevent bloodshed," Valyria told him.

"Ser Criston, please escort both Princesses to safety-"

"I am here at the King's command, Lord Hand. Let me handle this," Valyria told him before turning to face Daemon. Then just to frighten his men a bit she loudly said, "Take care not to startle Ānogara, she has a tendency to get a bit protective of me."

Then she walked back where she came from, towards Daemon, "I thought you were supposed to go to Runestone, cousin," she said to him. "You might not remember this, since you were exiled and not honoured with an invitation to the ceremony, but Viserys named Rhaenyra Princess of Dragonstone. You are living in her castle without her permission."

"It's not her castle until she comes of age," Daemon said when Valyria stopped just a step in front of him. He was clutching the dragon egg to him like a child protecting his favourite toy.

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