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THE SELFLESS PRINCESS✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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116 AC, Kingswood

Princess Rhaenyra's departure from the camp, whilst shocking, did not stop anyone from enjoying the festivities. Viserys did seem a bit peeved by his daughter's escape but he could not cancel Aegon's nameday celebration for that.

Valyria was mostly concerned about Rhaenyra's well-being. But trusted Ser Criston to catch up with her and hoped he'd manage to do so quickly. Although, she had decided that if they were not back by the next morning she'd ride out by herself. In the meantime, there was little she could do.

Since she was annoyed by Viserys, who after all was the adult, she had opted for not joining the men on the hunt. Killing defenceless animals for sport was not something she considered amusing. Later during the evening, when a feast was being hosted inside the main tent, she did however show up since she couldn't see the point of simply sulking in her own tent.

It was clear that Viserys was bothered by the argument with his daughter since his cupbearer hadn't had so much to do in ages. Next to him, Valyria sat, keeping the King company since Queen Alicent was too busy with the ladies of court. Serra and Cecily had both been dismissed - or rather saved from keeping the soon to be drunk King company. Cyrenna and Elara were with them.

"You should take it easy with the wine, Viserys," Valyria told him gently. "We do not need another spectacle this evening."

"I do not need you to mother me, Valyria," Viserys scoffed, demanding another refill of his goblet.

Had it not been for the approach of Jason Lannister, she would have retorted. "Your Grace," Jason said, stepping forward whilst holding an ornate spear. "I had this forged in the Golden Gallery in honour of Prince Aegon." He handed it over to one of the servants who handed it to the king.

"It's quite a thing," Viserys said, inspecting the weapon.

"And what two year old does not wish for a spear?" Valyria scoffed under her breath.

"I hope it might provide the killing stroke against the white hart," Jason said. "The King of the Kingswood. It's as if the Seven themselves have blessed this day."

"Thank you, for your generosity," Viserys thanked him and handed the spear back to the servant. Then he picked up his wine goblet again.

"I would be honoured to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, Your Grace," Jason said seriously from nowhere. Or not really nowhere since his intentions had been made clear several times. "What I offer you - the crown and your daughter, is strength."

"Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?" Viserys asked disbelievingly.

"If someone offered you more dragons, would you not take them?" Jason asked the King.

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