"It's my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown."
- Mary, Queen of Scots
In which Valyria Targaryen returns to the Red Keep and becomes a key player in the game for the Iron Throne.
In which there isn't a person in the Se...
THE REDS IN KING'S LANDING ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
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131 AC, King's Landing
The trip from Sunspear to King's Landing was a route Valyria had grown very accustomed to over the years. Ānogara could probably fly between the two castles with her eyes closed after the amount of times she'd made the exact same trip over the years. However, she could count the amount of times she'd made the trip by ship on one hand.
At times, Valyria truly wondered how everyone else managed without a dragon. Being able to fly across Westeros in a fraction of the time it took everyone else to travel by horseback, ship or foot had spoiled any other means of transportation for her. Some days she felt as if there weren't enough hours for her to complete all her duties and spending days on a boat didn't help that stress. But with Jaeron and Viserys still young, she didn't wish to risk travelling by dragon.
The only child of hers that stayed behind was Cassian. They discussed it for some time and while Valyria always wanted to have all her children close, it was her son's idea to let him stay behind with Lewyn and rule Dorne. And if there was anyone she fully trusted with Cassian's safety, it was her good-brother.
Valyria rode through the gates upon a horse next to the large carriage holding her children, Serra, Nora and Raya. Daemon rode beside her as close as he could, his gaze constantly moving around to search for any possible threat. It would be a lie for Valyria to claim that she too had been on constant guard since the attack.
Dismounting her horse, Valyria turned to those who had gathered to greet them, "Now this is a proper greeting," she smiled, pulling Aegon into a hug. Due to her difficult pregnancy some time had passed since she'd seen him and in appearance it felt like Aegon had aged years. Instead of a child, he'd at seven-and-ten, grown to a handsome young man with shoulder-length silver hair.
"Welcome home, Lyria," Aegon told her happily. Much like his father, Aegon truly thought the Red Keep lost all its light whenever Valyria left. His mother's presence grew more and more unbearable for every passing day. The only reason he didn't drown his depression in wine was the fear of disappointing Valyria should she find out. Instead the young prince spent his day in the library or his chambers reading or on some occasions the training yard since it was required of him. "I can't even begin to describe how missed you've been."
Aegon then looked over Valyria's shoulder to see Daemon standing there, eyes narrowed. "Uncle," Aegon greeted him with a sarcastic smile, "I don't have anything pleasant to say to you."
"Likewise, nephew," Daemon scowled.
"You two are impossible," Valyria rolled her eyes at their immaturity. "Especially you, Daemon."