"It's my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown."
- Mary, Queen of Scots
In which Valyria Targaryen returns to the Red Keep and becomes a key player in the game for the Iron Throne.
In which there isn't a person in the Se...
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119 AC, Sunspear
Valyria remained at court only for a few days before she returned to Dorne with the promise that she'd return soon. It was clear Viserys would only become more ill and she didn't think it was right to leave him to fend off the vipers in court on his own. Alicent and Rhaenyra probably helped in their own ways and at least Lord Strong was a loyal and dutiful Hand, but Valyria still wished to be there.
Ever since she was a child, she felt a pull towards the crown. She'd sit on her grandfather's lap as a toddler when he held court and would often attend Small Council meetings; she was such a quiet and obedient child that her presence rarely bothered anyone.
Now, almost two decades later, Valyria didn't know if she had imagined it or not, but she vaguely remembered her father and grandfather joking about how they were training her for the future. It was no secret Queen Alysanne favoured matrilineal primogeniture. She always had. Jaehaerys on the other hand always had his reservations.
In a way, it was probably good for Valyria to get some distance from court. From the Iron Throne that rightfully should have belonged to her. Those intrusive thoughts plagued her every time she set foot inside the Red Keep. Dwelling on what could have been did her no favours.
The twins were there to greet her when she arrived at Sunspear. Together with her eldest children, Valyria made her way to the nursery. Seeing him again made her wonder how she ever could have left in the first place.
"So," Serra smirked mischievously, "how was court? Did you get the honour of meeting Prince Jacaerys?"
"You knew, didn't you," Valyria narrowed her eyes at her friend in accusation. "You could have warned me!"
"It's true then?" Serra asked, looking eager to receive confirmation of the latest scandal.
"Let us simply say that the Baratheon blood must be really, really, strong," Valyria snorted.
"Strong enough to jump over two generations," Cecily scoffed. "A dark haired Targaryen with two silver haired parents - that is a scandal if anything."
"No one dares to say a word about it," Valyria said with a poorly concealed snort. "Viserys and Rhaenyra both act as if nothing is out of order – and no one else dares to say anything. For as long as Viserys denies it, it's treason to question the birth of the heir's children."
"Did you confront Rhaenyra?" Serra wondered.
"No, I did not," Valyria shook her head. She had considered it. In fact, it was difficult not to confront Rhaenyra about it. After the incident with Daemon and the brothel, Valyria explicitly told the young princess that she couldn't afford any more mistakes. Understandably, Laenor's preferences wouldn't make producing an heir easier. It couldn't be easy but this – it would not end well.