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THE RED PRINCESS AND GREEN PRINCE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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132 AC, Dragonstone



"No, Valyria," Daemon said, rubbing his forehead in exasperation; his wife's stubbornness was both something he admired and hated. Especially when said stubbornness endangered her. "The journey is far too long for a woman in your condition."

"I'm not ill," Valyria protested, not about to give up.

"You could have fooled me," Daemon gritted his teeth together as he tried to contain his temper. During her pregnancies, Valyria's own dragon-blood ran high with emotions which meant that he needed to be the calm one to prevent every argument from escalating. "You're fatigued."

"I can't abandon my daughter," Valyria snapped. Elara was due to give birth within a moon which is why Valyria wanted to fly to Winterfell and be there for her eldest daughter. On horseback or by ship the journey would be over a moon long but on dragonback she could easily make it North and back in time for Cyrenna's wedding. The only hitch in said plan being that she too was heavily pregnant. "I was alone when I gave birth to her and it was terrifying."

At the end of the sentence, her voice cracked. Her demeanour went from angry to sad in seconds as she sat down on a chair close to the fireplace in their shared chambers. The cracking from the fire mixed with the pattering of rain against the windows as a storm raged on in the night was the only thing heard as the princess stared down at her lap in despair.

With his wife's change of moods, Daemon realised that he too needed to take a different approach to their argument unless he wanted it to end with his pregnant wife in tears. The Rogue Prince stepped forward and kneeled in front of her chair, covering her hands with his own, "Ãbrazȳrys," he gently said, "you know I do not say this to be cruel. Had you not been with child, I never even would have considered speaking against you    travelling to Winterfell. But you have to think about the health of both yourself and the babe. Think of it like this instead: would you have wanted Elara to fly to Dragonstone right now when she's with child?"

"It's her first babe," Valyria argued, knowing he was right deep down. But she felt like a terrible mother for not being there for her sweet girl when she truly needed her. Since the wedding, Valyria had only managed a quick visit to Winterfell once with everything going on in the south and not it felt like she was failing Elara by not being there the one time she truly needed it.

"And judging by her letters, it's been a fairly easy one to carry," Daemon pointed out. "Yours have not been. Even Dora agrees with me that you aren't in a state to fly across Westeros right now. And you know that if that witch agrees with me, I must be right."

RED QUEEN | DAEMON TARGARYEN Where stories live. Discover now