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THE SHOCKING BETROTHAL✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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127 AC, King's Landing

Valyria couldn't believe she was about to be married to Daemon Targaryen...

If somebody told her that upon her return to the Red Keep fifteen years ago she would have laughed at them and called them crazy. Yet now, despite essentially everyone questioning why, she was only a moon away from being wed to the only man in Westeros that truly could get under her skin.

Valyria's wish for a small wedding had been largely ignored since this would be the union between the King's brother and the daughter of the former Prince of Dragonstone. Despite it being the third time both of them got married, it was still a grand affair apparently. Unfortunately, there were quite a few disagreements concerning the nature of the ceremony.

"I want to wed my Valyrian bride in the Valyrian way," Daemon argued, glaring harshly between the King and Hand. Luckily the entire Small Council was not present to witness the three men argue. Only Valyria whose patience was growing thin.

"You must be wed in a Sept, under the Faith of the Seven," Viserys argued tiredly. "Otherwise the lords of the realm might question your union's validity."

"I do not care what those cunts think," Daemon sneered.

"Aegon the Conqueror was anointed by the High Septon, as have every King since him been," Otto Hightower said. "The Crown is the protector and defender of the Faith-"

"I do not care that the High Septon placed a crown on my brother's head. We are Targaryens – we do not have to bow before any God nor man, you do well to remember that, Otto," Daemon was growing visibly more angry.

"You will be wed before the Seven and that is my command," Viserys raised his voice.

"If we wed before the Seven here in King's Landing, there is nothing stopping us from having another ceremony on Dragonstone afterwards," Valyria suggested, growing tired of their petty arguments. "A Valyrian ceremony would not undo one before the Seven. It seems like a fair compromise, does it not?" Looking between the three men, daring any of them to argue, she said, "Good. Is there anything else you three would wish to fight over? Perhaps the flower arrangements or the fabrics for my dress could be another topic for you to waste your time arguing about? Need I remind you all that I will return to Dorne tonight and that I won't return until the wedding."

"There is the matter of where you and Prince Daemon will be staying once you are wed-"

"Dorne," Valyria interrupted him. "The dornish might need some time to warm up to Daemon –a long time considering that no one else in Westeros has warmed up to him yet. But as long as he behaves, they won't kill him."

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