"It's my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown."
- Mary, Queen of Scots
In which Valyria Targaryen returns to the Red Keep and becomes a key player in the game for the Iron Throne.
In which there isn't a person in the Se...
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128 AC, Sunspear
The morning after the wedding, Valyria woke up later than usual after having been awake until the hour of the bat. She couldn't recall the last time her body felt so heavy. With her new husband still fast asleep, she tried to climb out of bed carefully only for the arm slung around her waist to tighten, revealing that he was no longer asleep.
The first half was spent in a battle of wills between Daemon who believed the day after their nuptials should be spent in bed whereas Valyria had things to do. For a while, she did indulge him – not as reluctantly as she should have – and it was not until noon that anyone spotted the newlyweds outside their bedchambers.
Only two days after the wedding was it time for them to return back to Dorne. Ānogara, Caraxes, Cannibal, Vermithor, Cyrion, Tessarion and Moondancer could all be spotted flying through the darkening evening skies. The dornish had gotten fairly used to hers and her children's dragon and supposed that for as long as the new flying beasts did not cause any major destruction they would be tolerated as well; similar to how Valyria hoped her new husband would be tolerated for as long as he didn't do anything stupid.
Needless to say, Valyria was a bit on the edge since she knew that doing rash and foolish things was about as associated with Daemon as fire with their dragons...
The other dragons followed Ānogara's lead as she descended and eventually landed in the usual place. As usual, Lewyn waited there for them alongside a smaller party of riders, horses and a carriage to get back to Sunspear. Valyria slid down the wing with Aelia who rode with her. The moment Aelia's feet hit the ground she was running over to her uncle.
Immediately, Daemon stood by her side, amethyst eyes narrowed in suspicion when observing the dornishmen. His bitterness from the Stepstones definitely hadn't vanquished over the years. "Behave," she warned him. Instead of waiting for the sarcastic or cheeky answer, Valyria walked over to her good-brother who happily talked with his nieces and nephews.
"Valyria, stunning as always," Lewyn grinned cheekily as they hugged and then kissed both of her cheeks. "Your presence has been very missed. Please do not leave me to govern all on my own for so long again. It's tediously boring."
"Tedious and boring are essentially the same thing," Valyria reminded him with a laugh. Noticing that Lewyn's attention shifted to the person behind her, mirth disappeared completely from his eyes as he got locked in a staring match with Daemon "Lewyn," Valyria said, gaining his attention again. Then she turned to the side so that she could look at both men.
Daemon appeared apathetic – which probably was better than him openly showing his distaste – as he confidently walked towards them, hand resting on Dark Sister. "Meet my husband, Prince Daemon," Valyria introduced the two. "Daemon, meet my good-brother, Lewyn."