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127 AC, King's Landing

Much like for her second wedding, Valyria wore a red dress in honour of House Targaryen. Crimson silks that pooled down to her feet like a waterfall of blood. Ever since Qoren died, all of her dresses had been mostly black and sometimes paired up with red chemises or accessories but this was the first time she wore a red dress again. For the first time in a long time she felt like herself. Red had always been her favourite colour; there was something especially empowering about wearing it.

The neckline of her dress had been embroidered to appear like golden dragon scales and was cut to reveal a generous but modest amount of cleavage. The entire design was a balance between the dornish gowns she'd grown used to wearing and what would be considered appropriate for a Targaryen Princess during a ceremony in a sept.

A black dragon was embroidered into the corset of her dress and black lace decorated the hems of her skirt. The long sleeves were not sewn together, but open to reveal her arms and then gathered around the golden cuffs. There had been some discussions concerning that particular design since it revealed her arms and therefore the scar on her forearm she'd received during the altercation between Rhaenyra and Alicent at Driftmark. But Valyria had no issues showing off her scars and would not wear an uncomfortably warm dress just to hide the evidence of something they all knew happened. She had opted for not wearing a cloak to this wedding, since she'd be wrapped in a Targaryen cloak at the ceremony.

"It's such a lovely dress," Cecily noted, looking at Valyria through the mirror.

"Too bad it will be ruined by the end of the night," Serra muttered into her goblet of wine, too quiet for anyone other than the princess and Tyrell lady to hear. Valyria simply rolled her eyes, her fingers tracing the Valyrian steel necklace around her neck. "Notice how she did not even argue because she knows it is true."

"What is true?" Elara asked as she entered the bedchambers alongside Cyrenna.

"That your Aunt Serra needs to find a new special friend soon so she won't be so interested in my life," Valyria said before smiling at her daughters. "You both looked absolutely beautiful." Cyrenna wore a light purple dress that matched her eyes while Elara wore a grey one of a similar design.

"You too, mūna," Cyrenna told her just as the doors opened again to reveal Cassian and Aelia.

"My darlings," Valyria said to her two youngest. Both wore a dark shade of orange to represent House Martell but with a bit of Targaryen designs; Cassian's doublet had a design similar to scales on the shoulders while Aelia wore a simple necklace with a ruby that Valyria had received from her father. She crouched down to hug them both.

RED QUEEN | DAEMON TARGARYEN Where stories live. Discover now